responsive_menus.module in Responsive Menus 8
Same filename and directory in other branches
Responsify menus in Drupal.
responsive_menus.moduleView source
* @file
* Responsify menus in Drupal.
use Drupal\Core\Url;
* Implements hook_help().
function responsive_menus_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
// On the help overview page.
case '':
return '<p>' . t('Responsify your menus! Using any jQuery compatible selector, make elements mobile friendly. Technically you could use this on more than menus... The <a href="@admin">administration page</a> provides settings to control which menus to control, what screen size to react to, and a few other options.', [
'@admin' => Url::fromRoute('responsive_menus.admin'),
]) . '</p>';
// On the admin settings page.
case 'responsive_menus.admin':
return '<p>' . t('This page provides configuration options for responsive menus. You may configure any amount of menus to respond to any screen size by simply adding a jQuery compatible selector to the list below. There is also an option to ignore admin pages where you might not want responsive menus.') . '</p>';
* Implements hook_libraries_info().
* @note : Libraries 2.x
//function responsive_menus_libraries_info() {
// $libraries['ResponsiveMultiLevelMenu'] = array(
// 'name' => 'ResponsiveMultiLevelMenu (codrops)',
// 'vendor url' => '',
// 'download url' => '',
// 'version arguments' => array(
// 'file' => 'js/jquery.dlmenu.js',
// 'pattern' => '/v([\d\.]+)/',
// 'lines' => 3,
// 'columns' => 40,
// ),
// 'files' => array(
// 'js' => array(
// 'js/modernizr.custom.js',
// 'js/jquery.dlmenu.js',
// ),
// 'css' => array(
// 'css/component.css',
// ),
// ),
// 'integration files' => array(
// 'responsive_menus' => array(
// 'js' => array('styles/ResponsiveMultiLevelMenu/js/responsive_menus_codrops_responsive_multi.js'),
// ),
// ),
// );
// $libraries['sidr'] = array(
// 'name' => 'Sidr',
// 'vendor url' => '',
// 'download url' => '',
// 'version arguments' => array(
// 'file' => 'jquery.sidr.min.js',
// 'pattern' => '/v([\d\.]+)/',
// 'lines' => 1,
// 'columns' => 40,
// ),
// 'files' => array(
// 'js' => array(
// 'jquery.sidr.min.js',
// ),
// 'css' => array(
// 'stylesheets/jquery.sidr.dark.css',
// ),
// ),
// 'integration files' => array(
// 'responsive_menus' => array(
// 'js' => array('styles/sidr/js/responsive_menus_sidr.js'),
// ),
// ),
// );
// $sidr_theme = variable_get('responsive_menus_sidr_menu_theme', 'dark');
// if ($sidr_theme == 'light') {
// $libraries['sidr']['files']['css'] = array('stylesheets/jquery.sidr.light.css');
// }
// elseif ($sidr_theme == 'custom') {
// unset($libraries['sidr']['files']['css']);
// }
// $libraries['GoogleNexusWebsiteMenu'] = array(
// 'name' => 'Google Nexus (codrops)',
// 'vendor url' => '',
// 'download url' => '',
// 'version arguments' => array(
// 'file' => 'js/gnmenu.js',
// 'pattern' => '/v([\d\.]+)/',
// 'lines' => 2,
// 'columns' => 40,
// ),
// 'files' => array(
// 'js' => array(
// 'js/gnmenu.js',
// 'js/classie.js',
// ),
// 'css' => array(
// 'css/component.css',
// ),
// ),
// 'integration files' => array(
// 'responsive_menus' => array(
// 'js' => array('styles/google_nexus/js/responsive_menus_google_nexus.js'),
// 'css' => array('styles/google_nexus/css/responsive_menus_google_nexus.css'),
// ),
// ),
// );
// return $libraries;
* Load a single style.
* @param string $style
* Style id to be loaded.
* @return
function responsive_menus_style_load($style, $jq_update_ignore) {
$link_generator = \Drupal::service('link_generator');
$styles = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.responsive_menus')
$data =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, []);
if (!isset($data[$style]) && !empty($styles[$style])) {
$style_info = $styles[$style];
// @todo module_load_include() the .inc file for the style being loaded.
// Check for this style's requirements.
if (!empty($style_info['jquery_version'])) {
if (!$jq_update_ignore[1]) {
if (!\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('jquery_update')) {
// jQuery Update not installed.
->addWarning(t('@style style requires !link set to version !version or higher. Please enable jquery_update.', [
'@style' => $style_info['name'],
'!link' => $link_generator
->generate(t('jQuery Update'), Url::fromUri('')),
'!version' => $style_info['jquery_version'],
$error = TRUE;
// elseif (version_compare(variable_get('jquery_update_jquery_version', '1.5'), $style_info['jquery_version'], '<')) {
// // jQuery Update version not high enough.
// drupal_set_message(t('@style style requires !link set to version !version or higher.', [
// '@style' => $style_info['name'],
// '!version' => $style_info['jquery_version'],
// '!link' => l(t('jQuery Update'), 'admin/config/development/jquery_update', ['query' => ['destination' => 'admin/config/user-interface/responsive_menus']]),
// ]), 'warning');
// $error = TRUE;
// }
else {
->addWarning(t('@style style requires !link library version !version or higher, but you have opted to provide your own library. Please ensure you have the proper version of jQuery included. (note: this is not an error)', [
'@style' => $style_info['name'],
'!link' => $link_generator
->generate(t('jQuery'), Url::fromUri('')),
'!version' => $style_info['jquery_version'],
// For integration with Libraries.
if (isset($style_info['use_libraries'])) {
// Try libraries module.
if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
->moduleExists('libraries')) {
// if ($library = libraries_load($style_info['library'])) {
// if (!empty($library['error']) || empty($library['loaded'])) {
// drupal_set_message(t('!message !link and extract to your libraries directory as "@library_name". Example: sites/all/libraries/@library_name. If you are getting "version detection" errors, check file permissions on the library.', [
// '!message' => $library['error message'],
// '@library_name' => $style_info['library'],
// '!link' => l(t('Download it'), $library['download url']),
// ]), 'error');
// $error = TRUE;
// }
// }
else {
// Libraries module not installed.
->addWarning(t('@style style requires !link module enabled.', [
'@style' => $style_info['name'],
'!link' => $link_generator
->generate(t('Libraries 2.x'), Url::fromUri('')),
$error = TRUE;
// Check for errors and load into $data if there are none.
if (!isset($error)) {
$data[$style] = $style_info;
return $data[$style];
else {
// Something was wrong loading this style.
->addError(t('Responsive Menus found a problem. Please check the errors.'));
return FALSE;
else {
// This style is already loaded.
return $data[$style];
* Implements hook_page_attachments().
function responsive_menus_page_attachments(array &$attachements) {
$config = \Drupal::config('responsive_menus.configuration');
// Load our style.
if (!isset($style)) {
$ignore_admin = $config
$path_is_admin = \Drupal::service('router.admin_context')
if ($ignore_admin && $path_is_admin) {
$style = $config
// $jq_update_ignore = variable_get('responsive_menus_no_jquery_update', array(1 => 0));
// $style_info = responsive_menus_style_load($style, $jq_update_ignore);
$plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.responsive_menus');
/** @var \Drupal\responsive_menus\ResponsiveMenusPluginInterface $style_plugin */
$style_plugin = $plugin_manager
->createInstance($style, [
'settings' => $config
if (!$style_plugin) {
$data =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
if (!isset($data['execute_index'])) {
$data['execute_index'] = -1;
// Add library.
$attachements['#attached']['library'][] = $style_plugin
// Add JS settings.
$js_settings[$data['execute_index']] = $style_plugin
$js_settings[$data['execute_index']]['responsive_menus_style'] = $style;
->alter('responsive_menus_execute', $js_settings);
$attachements['#attached']['drupalSettings']['responsive_menus'] = $js_settings;
Name![]() |
Description |
responsive_menus_help | Implements hook_help(). |
responsive_menus_page_attachments | Implements hook_page_attachments(). |
responsive_menus_style_load | Load a single style. |