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responsive-menu-block-wrapper.tpl.php in Responsive and off-canvas menu 7.3

Default theme implementation to wrap the responsive menu block.

Available variables:

  • $content: The renderable array containing the menu.
  • $classes: A string containing the CSS classes for the wrapper tag.

The following variables are provided for contextual information.

  • $delta: (string) The menu_block's block delta.


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to wrap the responsive menu block.
 * Available variables:
 * - $content: The renderable array containing the menu.
 * - $classes: A string containing the CSS classes for the wrapper tag.
 * The following variables are provided for contextual information.
 * - $delta: (string) The menu_block's block delta.
 * @see template_preprocess_responsive_menu_block_wrapper()

print $element_type;
?> class="<?php

print $classes;

print render($content);

print $element_type;