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responsive_menu.module in Responsive and off-canvas menu 4.3.x

Contains procedural code.


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 * @file
 * Contains procedural code.
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkInterface;
use Drupal\Core\File\FileSystemInterface;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
define('RESPONSIVE_MENU_BREAKPOINT_FILENAME', '/responsive_menu_breakpoint.css');

 * Implements hook_help().
function responsive_menu_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {
    case 'responsive_menu.settings':
      $readme = Link::fromTextAndUrl('', Url::fromUri('base:' . drupal_get_path('module', 'responsive_menu') . '/'))
      return '<p>' . t('3rd party libraries are required to enable some of the features. See the @readme file for more information about where to download and place them.', [
        '@readme' => render($readme),
      ]) . '</p><p>' . t("At a minimum you need to place the 'Responsive menu mobile icon' block in a region. If you want to display a horizontal menu at a specified breakpoint then you also need to place the 'Horizontal menu' block, although this is optional.") . '</p>';

 * Implements hook_theme().
function responsive_menu_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
  $return = [];
  $return['responsive_menu_block_wrapper'] = [
    'template' => 'responsive-menu-block-wrapper',
    'variables' => [
      'content' => [],
  $return['responsive_menu_block_toggle'] = [
    'template' => 'responsive-menu-block-toggle',
    'variables' => [],
  $return['responsive_menu_horizontal'] = [
    'template' => 'responsive-menu-horizontal',
    'variables' => [
      'items' => [],
      'menu_name' => '',
      'attributes' => [],
    'preprocess functions' => [
  $return['responsive_menu_page_wrapper'] = [
    'template' => 'responsive-menu-page-wrapper',
    'variables' => [
      'children' => [],
  return $return;

 * Implements hook_preprocess_block().
 * Removes the contextual links from the toggle icon block.
function responsive_menu_preprocess_block(&$variables) {
  if ($variables['plugin_id'] == 'responsive_menu_toggle') {
    $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'responsive-menu-toggle-wrapper';
    $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'responsive-menu-toggle';

    // Remove the contextual links from this block.

 * Implements hook_preprocess_html().
 * Used to add an optional page wrapper.
function responsive_menu_preprocess_html(&$variables) {

  // Get the configuration.
  $config = \Drupal::config('responsive_menu.settings');

  // If this is the admin theme then add the wrapper if requested.
  if (_current_theme_is_admin()) {
    if ($config
      ->get('allow_admin') && $config
      ->get('wrapper_admin')) {
      $variables['page']['#theme_wrappers'][] = 'responsive_menu_page_wrapper';
  else {

    // If this not the admin theme then only add the wrapper when
    // the config is enabled.
    if ($config
      ->get('wrapper_theme') == TRUE) {
      $variables['page']['#theme_wrappers'][] = 'responsive_menu_page_wrapper';

 * Implements hook_page_bottom().
 * Used to place the off-canvas menu and supporting libraries and configuration.
function responsive_menu_page_bottom(&$page) {

  // Get the configuration.
  $config = \Drupal::config('responsive_menu.settings');

  // A developer may not want to output the off-canvas menu's HTML into the DOM
  // and activate the mmenu library. We allow a variable to by altered by a
  // custom hook. If the value is FALSE then rendering does not continue and no
  // output is added to page bottom.
  $off_canvas_output = TRUE;
    ->alter('responsive_menu_off_canvas_output', $off_canvas_output);
  if ($off_canvas_output === FALSE) {

  // A site builder can allow this module to work with the admin theme.
  if ($config
    ->get('allow_admin') == FALSE && _current_theme_is_admin()) {
  $output = [
    '#prefix' => '<div class="off-canvas-wrapper"><div id="off-canvas">',
    '#suffix' => '</div></div>',
    '#pre_render' => [

  // Determine whether the breakpoint code should be used.
  if ($config
    ->get('use_breakpoint')) {

    // Check whether the generated breakpoint css exists and if not create it.
    if (!file_exists(_get_breakpoint_css_filepath() . RESPONSIVE_MENU_BREAKPOINT_FILENAME)) {
      $breakpoint = $config

    // Add the dynamically generated library with breakpoint styles.
    $output['#attached']['library'][] = 'responsive_menu/responsive_menu.breakpoint';

  // Add the mmenu library.
  $output['#attached']['library'][] = 'responsive_menu/responsive_menu.mmenu';

  // If the polyfills are requested and the file exists then add it too.
  // Note that in the past the final build files have not included the
  // polyfills file (see d.o issues #3143984, #3111949) so we need to
  // check if its actually there to avoid a 404.
  if ($config
    ->get('use_polyfills') && file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/libraries/mmenu/dist/mmenu.polyfills.js')) {
    $output['#attached']['library'][] = 'responsive_menu/responsive_menu.polyfills';

  // Add this module's configuration javascript.
  $output['#attached']['library'][] = 'responsive_menu/responsive_menu.config';

  // Add the module's css file if the user does not want to disable it.
  if ($config
    ->get('include_css')) {
    $output['#attached']['library'][] = 'responsive_menu/responsive_menu.styling';

  // Add the bootstrap specific code if needed.
  if ($config
    ->get('use_bootstrap')) {
    $output['#attached']['library'][] = 'responsive_menu/responsive_menu.bootstrap';

  // Add some of the config as javascript settings.
  $output['#attached']['drupalSettings']['responsive_menu'] = [
    'position' => $config
    'theme' => $config
    'pagedim' => $config
    'modifyViewport' => $config
    'use_bootstrap' => $config
    'breakpoint' => $config
    'drag' => $config

  // Allow for the menu position to be based on the language direction.
  // @see issue #3095162 for details.
  if ($config
    ->get('off_canvas_position') === 'contextual') {
    $language = \Drupal::languageManager()
    $output['#attached']['drupalSettings']['responsive_menu']['position'] = $language === 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left';
  else {
    $output['#attached']['drupalSettings']['responsive_menu']['position'] = $config
  $output['#cache']['keys'] = [

  // Get the menu names. These are used to build the
  // cache keys so we can cache different variations of the menu.
  $off_canvas_menus = \Drupal::config('responsive_menu.settings')

  // Other modules can modify the menu names so we need to take this into
  // account when setting the cache keys.
    ->alter('responsive_menu_off_canvas_menu_names', $off_canvas_menus);
  $menus = explode(',', $off_canvas_menus);
  $output['#cache']['keys'] += $menus;
  foreach ($menus as $menu_name) {

    // If any of the menus' config changes the render cache should
    // be invalidated.
    $output['#cache']['tags'][] = '' . $menu_name;

    // The menu will also vary depending on the active trail of each merged menu
    // so this will be added as a cache context.
    $output['#cache']['context'][] = 'route.menu_active_trails:' . $menu_name;
  $page['page_bottom']['off_canvas'] = $output;

 * Implements hook_responsive_menu_off_canvas_tree_alter().
function responsive_menu_responsive_menu_off_canvas_tree_alter(array &$menu) {

  // Iterate over the top level of menu items and call the recursive function
  // which adds a unique class to each item and it's children.
  foreach ($menu['#items'] as &$item) {

 * Recursively adds the uuid of each menu item as a class.
 * @param array $item
 *   The render array of a menu item.
function responsive_menu_off_canvas_add_class(array &$item) {
  if (!empty($item['original_link'])) {
    $link = $item['original_link'];
    $id = $link

    // User created menu link ids take the form 'menu_link_content:{uuid}'.
    if (strpos($id, ':')) {
      $parts = explode(':', $id);
    else {
      $parts = explode('.', $id);
    $uuid = Html::cleanCssIdentifier($parts[1]);
      ->addClass('menu-item--' . $uuid);
  if (!empty($item['below'])) {
    foreach ($item['below'] as &$below) {

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for menu_link_content_form().
 * @see \Drupal\menu_link_content\Form\MenuLinkContentForm
function responsive_menu_form_menu_link_content_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $menu_link = $form_state
  $menu_link_options = $menu_link->link
    ->first()->options ?: [];
  $flyleft = isset($menu_link_options['attributes']['flyleft']);

  // Determine whether this menu item has a grandparent which means that this
  // menu item is of depth 3 or greater and therefore is able to have the
  // flyleft checkbox shown.
  $build_info = $form_state
  $menu_link_content = $build_info
  $parent = $menu_link_content->parent->value;
  if (!$parent) {
  $definition = \Drupal::service('')
  if (!$definition) {
  $parent_link = \Drupal::service('')
  $grandparent = $parent_link
  if (!empty($grandparent)) {
    $form['flyleft'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Fly left'),
      '#description' => t('Whether this item (and its children) should fly left instead of right'),
      '#default_value' => $flyleft,
    $form['#submit'][] = 'responsive_menu_menu_link_content_submit';
    $form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'responsive_menu_menu_link_content_submit';

 * Submit handler which stores any flyleft settings.
function responsive_menu_menu_link_content_submit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

  // Store the flyleft as an option on the menu link entity.
  if ($form_state
    ->getValue('flyleft')) {
    $menu_link = $form_state
    $options = [
      'attributes' => [
        'flyleft' => TRUE,
    $menu_link_options = $menu_link->link
      ->first()->options = array_merge($menu_link_options, $options);

 * Implements hook_preprocess_horizontal().
function responsive_menu_preprocess_horizontal(&$variables) {
  foreach ($variables['items'] as &$item) {

 * Assigns the flyleft attribute to the menu items.
 * @param array $item
 *   The menu item to process.
function responsive_menu_assign_attributes_to_item(array &$item) {
  $item['fly_left'] = responsive_menu_get_flyleft_attribute($item['original_link']);
  if (!empty($item['below'])) {
    foreach ($item['below'] as &$item) {

 * Determines whether the flyleft menu link attribute has been set.
 * @param \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkInterface $menu_link_content_plugin
 *   The menu link content plugin.
 * @return bool
 *   Return a TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the flyleft class was found.
function responsive_menu_get_flyleft_attribute(MenuLinkInterface $menu_link_content_plugin) {
  $plugin_id = $menu_link_content_plugin
  if (strpos($plugin_id, ':') === FALSE) {
    return FALSE;
  list($entity_type, $uuid) = explode(':', $plugin_id, 2);
  if ($entity_type == 'menu_link_content') {
    $entity = \Drupal::service('entity.repository')
      ->loadEntityByUuid($entity_type, $uuid);
    if ($entity) {
      $options = $entity->link
      $attributes = isset($options['attributes']) ? $options['attributes'] : [];
      if (isset($attributes['flyleft'])) {
        return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Helper function to gather breakpoint queries.
 * @return array
 *   An array of breakpoints with the breakpoint label as the key and breakpoint
 *   string as the value.
function responsive_menu_get_breakpoints() {
  $queries = [];
  $theme_settings = \Drupal::config('system.theme')
  $default_theme = $theme_settings['default'];
  $breakpoint_groups = \Drupal::service('breakpoint.manager')
  foreach ($breakpoint_groups as $key => $value) {
    if (strpos($key, $default_theme) !== 0) {
    $breakpoints = \Drupal::service('breakpoint.manager')

    // Iterate over the breakpoints in the group and store them.
    foreach ($breakpoints as $breakpoint) {
      $label = $breakpoint
      $mediaQuery = $breakpoint
      if ($mediaQuery) {
        $queries[$label] = $mediaQuery;
  return $queries;

 * Implements hook_library_info_build().
 * Adds a dynamic library definition for the breakpoint css.
 * @see core.libraries.yml
 * @see hook_library_info_alter()
function responsive_menu_library_info_build() {
  $libraries = [];
  $libraries['responsive_menu.breakpoint'] = [
    'css' => [
      'theme' => [
        _get_breakpoint_css_filepath() . RESPONSIVE_MENU_BREAKPOINT_FILENAME => [],
  return $libraries;

 * Generates the breakpoint css in the public directory.
 * @param string $breakpoint
 *   The breakpoint string to store in the css file.
function responsive_menu_generate_breakpoint_css($breakpoint) {

  // Fetch the wrapping element (nav, div) from the config.
  $element = \Drupal::config('responsive_menu.settings')

  // Construct the css to be saved into a file. This needs to be more specific
  // than the module's css otherwise it won't take effect.
  $css = '@media ' . $breakpoint . ' { ' . $element . '.responsive-menu-block-wrapper { display: block; } .responsive-menu-toggle-wrapper.responsive-menu-toggle { display: none; } }';
  $path = _get_breakpoint_css_filepath();

  // Ensure the directory exists, if not create it.
  if (!file_exists($path)) {
      ->prepareDirectory($path, FileSystemInterface::CREATE_DIRECTORY);

  // Save out the css file.
    ->saveData($css, $filepath, FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_REPLACE);

 * Implements hook_preprocess_toolbar().
 * Used to add a javascript file which overrides a method on the toolbar.
function responsive_menu_preprocess_toolbar(&$variables) {

  // Get the configuration.
  $config = \Drupal::config('responsive_menu.settings');

  // If this is the admin theme and allow_admin is disabled then don't
  // add the override to the toolbar.
  if (!$config
    ->get('allow_admin') && _current_theme_is_admin()) {
  $variables['#attached']['library'][] = 'responsive_menu/responsive_menu.toolbar';

 * Implements hook_cache_flush().
 * Removes the css file on cache flush.
function responsive_menu_cache_flush() {
  $path = _get_breakpoint_css_filepath();

  // Ensure the directory exists, if not create it.
  if (file_exists($path . RESPONSIVE_MENU_BREAKPOINT_FILENAME)) {

 * Helper function to return the path to the generated css.
 * @return string
 *   The path to the generated breakpoint css.
function _get_breakpoint_css_filepath() {
  return \Drupal::config('responsive_menu.settings')

 * Checks whether the current theme is the admin theme.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if the current theme is the admin theme.
function _current_theme_is_admin() {
  $theme_info =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($theme_info)) {
    $theme_info['system_theme'] = \Drupal::config('system.theme');
    $theme_info['admin_theme'] = $theme_info['system_theme']
    $theme_info['current_theme'] = \Drupal::service('theme.manager')
  return $theme_info['current_theme'] == $theme_info['admin_theme'];


Namesort descending Description
responsive_menu_assign_attributes_to_item Assigns the flyleft attribute to the menu items.
responsive_menu_cache_flush Implements hook_cache_flush().
responsive_menu_form_menu_link_content_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for menu_link_content_form().
responsive_menu_generate_breakpoint_css Generates the breakpoint css in the public directory.
responsive_menu_get_breakpoints Helper function to gather breakpoint queries.
responsive_menu_get_flyleft_attribute Determines whether the flyleft menu link attribute has been set.
responsive_menu_help Implements hook_help().
responsive_menu_library_info_build Implements hook_library_info_build().
responsive_menu_menu_link_content_submit Submit handler which stores any flyleft settings.
responsive_menu_off_canvas_add_class Recursively adds the uuid of each menu item as a class.
responsive_menu_page_bottom Implements hook_page_bottom().
responsive_menu_preprocess_block Implements hook_preprocess_block().
responsive_menu_preprocess_horizontal Implements hook_preprocess_horizontal().
responsive_menu_preprocess_html Implements hook_preprocess_html().
responsive_menu_preprocess_toolbar Implements hook_preprocess_toolbar().
responsive_menu_responsive_menu_off_canvas_tree_alter Implements hook_responsive_menu_off_canvas_tree_alter().
responsive_menu_theme Implements hook_theme().
_current_theme_is_admin Checks whether the current theme is the admin theme.
_get_breakpoint_css_filepath Helper function to return the path to the generated css.
