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public function RerouteEmailTestEmailTestCase::testFormTestEmail in Reroute Email 7

Basic tests for reroute_email Test Email form.

Check if submitted form values are properly submitted and rerouted. Test Subject, To, Cc, Bcc and Body submitted values, form validation, default values, and submission with invalid email addresses.


./reroute_email.test, line 287
Test the Reroute Email module.


Tests email rerouting for the Test Email form.


public function testFormTestEmail() {

  // Configure to reroute normally to {$this->rerouteDestination}.

  // Check Subject field default value.
    ->assertFieldByName('subject', t("Reroute Email Test"), 'The expected default value was found for the Subject field.');

  // Submit the Test Email form to send an email to be rerouted.
  $post = array(
    'to' => "",
    'cc' => "",
    'bcc' => "",
    'subject' => "Test Reroute Email Test Email Form",
    'body' => 'Testing email rerouting and the Test Email form',
    ->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test", $post, t("Send email"));
    ->assertText(t("Test email submitted for delivery."));
  $mails = $this
  $mail = end($mails);

  // Check rerouted email to.
    ->assertMail('to', $this->rerouteDestination, format_string('To email address was rerouted to @address.', array(
    '@address' => $this->rerouteDestination,

  // Check the To passed through the Test Email Form.

  // Check the Cc and Bcc headers are the ones submitted through the form.
    ->assertTrue($mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Cc'] == $post['cc'], format_string('X-Rerouted-Original-Cc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array(
    '@address' => $post['cc'],
    ->assertTrue($mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Bcc'] == $post['bcc'], format_string('X-Rerouted-Original-Cc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array(
    '@address' => $post['bcc'],

  // Check that Cc and Bcc headers were added to the message body.
  $copy_headers = array(
    'cc' => t('Originally cc: @cc', array(
      '@cc' => $mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Cc'],
    'bcc' => t('Originally bcc: @bcc', array(
      '@bcc' => $mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Bcc'],
  foreach ($copy_headers as $header => $message_line) {
    $has_header = preg_match("/{$message_line}/", $mail['body']);
      ->assertTrue($has_header, format_string('Found the correct "@header" line in the body.', array(
      '@header' => $header,

  // Check the Subject and Body field values can be found in rerouted email.
    ->assertMail('subject', $post['subject'], format_string('Subject is correctly set to submitted value: @subject', array(
    '@subject' => $post['subject'],
    ->assertFalse(strpos($mail['body'], $post['body']) === FALSE, 'Body contains the value submitted through the form');

  // Check required To field.
    ->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test", array(
    'to' => '',
  ), t("Send email"));
    ->assertText(t("To field is required."));

  // Test form submission with email rerouting and invalid email addresses.
  $post = array(
    'to' => "To address invalid format",
    'cc' => "Cc address invalid format",
    'bcc' => "Bcc address invalid format",
    ->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test", $post, t("Send email"));

  // Successful submission with email rerouting enabled.
    ->assertText(t("Test email submitted for delivery."));
  $mails = $this
  $mail = end($mails);

  // Check rerouted email to.
    ->assertMail('to', $this->rerouteDestination, format_string('To email address was rerouted to @address.', array(
    '@address' => $this->rerouteDestination,

  // Check the To passed through the Test Email Form.

  // Check the Cc and Bcc headers are the ones submitted through the form.
    ->assertTrue($mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Cc'] == $post['cc'], format_string('X-Rerouted-Original-Cc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array(
    '@address' => $post['cc'],
    ->assertTrue($mail['headers']['X-Rerouted-Original-Bcc'] == $post['bcc'], format_string('X-Rerouted-Original-Cc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array(
    '@address' => $post['bcc'],

  // Now change the configuration to disable reroute and submit the Test
  // Email form with the same invalid email address values.
    ->configureRerouteEmail(NULL, NULL, FALSE);

  // Submit the test email form again with previously used invalid addresses.
    ->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test", $post, t("Send email"));

  // Check invalid email addresses are still passed to the mail system.
  $mails = $this
  $mail = end($mails);

  // Check rerouted email to.
    ->assertMail('to', $post['to'], format_string('To email address is correctly set to submitted value: @address.', array(
    '@address' => $post['to'],
    ->verbose(t('Sent email values: <pre>@mail</pre>', array(
    '@mail' => var_export($mail, TRUE),

  // Check the Cc and Bcc headers are the ones submitted through the form.
    ->assertTrue($mail['headers']['Cc'] == $post['cc'], format_string('Cc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array(
    '@address' => $post['cc'],
    ->assertTrue($mail['headers']['Bcc'] == $post['bcc'], format_string('Bcc is correctly set to submitted value: @address', array(
    '@address' => $post['bcc'],