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public function RerouteEmailDefaultAddressTestCase::testRerouteDefaultAddress in Reroute Email 7

Test reroute email address is set to site_mail, sendmail_from or empty.

When reroute email addresses field is not configured and settings haven't been configured yet, check if the site email address or the sendmail_from system variable are properly used as fallbacks. Additionally, check that emails are aborted and a watchdog entry logged if reroute email address is set to an empty string.


./reroute_email.test, line 491
Test the Reroute Email module.


Test default reroute destination email address when it is empty or unset.


public function testRerouteDefaultAddress() {

  // Check default value for reroute_email_address when not configured.
  // If Site email is not empty, it should be the default value.
  $default_destination = variable_get('site_mail', NULL);
    ->assertTrue(isset($default_destination), format_string('Site mail is not empty: @default_destination.', array(
    '@default_destination' => $default_destination,

  // Programmatically enable email rerouting.

  // Load the Reroute Email Settings form page. Ensure rerouting is enabled.
    ->assertFieldByName(REROUTE_EMAIL_ENABLE, TRUE, 'Email rerouting was programmatically successfully enabled.');

  // Check Email addresses field default value should be site_mail.
    ->assertFieldByName(REROUTE_EMAIL_ADDRESS, $default_destination, format_string('Site email address is configured and is the default value of the Email addresses field: @default_destination.', array(
    '@default_destination' => $default_destination,

  // Ensure reroute_email_address is not set yet.
  $reroute_email_address = variable_get(REROUTE_EMAIL_ADDRESS, NULL);
    ->assertFalse(isset($reroute_email_address), 'Reroute email destination address is not configured.');

  // Submit a test email and check if it is rerouted to site_mail address.
    ->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test", array(
    'to' => "",
  ), t("Send email"));
    ->assertText(t("Test email submitted for delivery."));
  $mails = $this
  $mail = end($mails);

  // Check rerouted email is the site email address.
    ->assertMail('to', $default_destination, format_string('Email was properly rerouted to site email address: @default_destination.', array(
    '@default_destination' => $default_destination,

  // Now unset site_mail to check if system sendmail_from is properly used.

  // If it is defined, try to test the default sendmail_from system variable.
  $system_email = ini_get('sendmail_from');

  // Fallback to default placeholder if no system variable configured.
  $default_destination = empty($system_email) ? REROUTE_EMAIL_ADDRESS_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER : $system_email;

  // Reload the Reroute Email Settings form page.

  // Check Email addresses field default value should be system default.
    ->assertFieldByName(REROUTE_EMAIL_ADDRESS, $system_email, format_string('Site email address is not configured, Email addresses field defaults to system sendmail_from: <em>@default_destination</em>.', array(
    '@default_destination' => $system_email,

  // Submit a test email to check if it is rerouted to sendmail_from address.
    ->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test", array(
    'to' => "",
  ), t("Send email"));

  // Depends on environment settings.
  if (!empty($system_email)) {
      ->assertText(t("Test email submitted for delivery."));
      ->assertMail('to', $default_destination, format_string('Email was properly rerouted to system sendmail_from email address: @default_destination.', array(
      '@default_destination' => $default_destination,
  else {
      ->assertRaw(t('<em>@message_id</em> was aborted by reroute email; site administrators can check the recent log entries for complete details on the rerouted email.', array(
      '@message_id' => $mail['id'],
    )), format_string('Status message displayed as expected to the user with the mail ID <em>(@message_id)</em>.', array(
      '@message_id' => $mail['id'],

  // Configure reroute email address to be empty: ensure emails are aborted.
    ->configureRerouteEmail('', '');

  // Make sure reroute_email_address variable is an empty string.
  $reroute_email_address = variable_get(REROUTE_EMAIL_ADDRESS, NULL);
    ->assertTrue(is_string($reroute_email_address), 'Reroute email destination address is configured to be an empty string.');

  // Flush the Test Mail collector to ensure it is empty for this tests.
  variable_set('drupal_test_email_collector', array());

  // Submit a test email to check if it is aborted.
    ->drupalPost("admin/config/development/reroute_email/test", array(
    'to' => "",
  ), t("Send email"));
  $mails = $this
  $mail_aborted = end($mails);
    ->assertFalse($mail_aborted, 'Email sending was properly aborted because rerouting email address is an empty string.');

  // Check status message is not displayed because email was aborted.
    ->assertNoRaw(t('Submitted email, with ID: <em>@message_id</em>, was rerouted to configured address: <em>@reroute_target</em>. For more details please refer to Reroute Email settings.', array(
    '@message_id' => $mail['id'],
    '@reroute_target' => $this->rerouteDestination,

  // Check status message is displayed properly after email form submission.
    ->assertRaw(t('<em>@message_id</em> was aborted by reroute email; site administrators can check the recent log entries for complete details on the rerouted email.', array(
    '@message_id' => $mail['id'],
  )), format_string('Status message displayed as expected to the user with the mail ID <em>(@message_id)</em>.', array(
    '@message_id' => $mail['id'],

  // Check the watchdog entry logged with aborted email message.

  // Check the link to the watchdog detailed message.
  $watchdog_link = $this
  $link_label = (string) $watchdog_link[0];
    ->assertTrue(isset($watchdog_link[0]), format_string("Recorded successfully a watchdog log entry in recent log messages: <em>@link</em>.", array(
    '@link' => $link_label,

  // Open the full view page of the log message found for reroute_email.

  // Recreate expected logged message based on email submitted previously.
  $mail['send'] = FALSE;
  $mail['body'] = array(

  // Ensure the correct email is logged with default 'to' placeholder.
    ->assertRaw(t('Aborted email sending for <em>@message_id</em>.<br />Detailed email data: Array $message <pre>', array(
    '@message_id' => $mail['id'],
  )), format_string('The log entry recorded by Reroute Email contains a full dump of the aborted email message <em>@message_id</em> and is formatted as expected.', array(
    '@message_id' => $mail['id'],