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WorkspaceNormalizerTest.php in Replication 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\replication\Kernel\Normalizer;

use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\multiversion\Entity\Workspace;

 * Tests the workspace serialization format.
 * @group replication
class WorkspaceNormalizerTest extends NormalizerTestBase {
  protected $entityClass = 'Drupal\\multiversion\\Entity\\Workspace';
  protected function setUp() {
    $name = $this
    $this->entity = $this
  public function testNormalizer() {

    // Test normalize.
    $expected = [
      'db_name' => (string) $this->entity
      'instance_start_time' => (string) $this->entity
      'update_seq' => 0,
    $normalized = $this->serializer
    foreach (array_keys($expected) as $fieldName) {
        ->assertEquals($expected[$fieldName], $normalized[$fieldName], "Field {$fieldName} is normalized correctly.");
      ->assertTrue(is_string($normalized['instance_start_time']), 'Instance start time is a string.');
      ->assertEquals(array_diff_key($normalized, $expected), [], 'No unexpected data is added to the normalized array.');

    // Test serialize.
    $expected = json_encode($normalized);

    // Paranoid test because JSON serialization is tested elsewhere.
    $actual = $this->serializer
      ->serialize($this->entity, 'json');
      ->assertSame($expected, $actual, 'Entity serializes correctly to JSON.');

    // Test denormalize.
    $denormalized = $this->serializer
      ->denormalize($normalized, $this->entityClass, 'json');
      ->assertTrue($denormalized instanceof $this->entityClass, new FormattableMarkup('Denormalized entity is an instance of @class', [
      '@class' => $this->entityClass,
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $this->entity
      ->getEntityTypeId(), 'Expected entity type found.');

   * Creates a custom workspace entity.
  protected function createWorkspace($name) {
    return Workspace::create([
      'machine_name' => $name,
      'type' => 'basic',



Namesort descending Description
WorkspaceNormalizerTest Tests the workspace serialization format.