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public function LinkItemNormalizer::normalize in Replication 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Normalizer/LinkItemNormalizer.php \Drupal\replication\Normalizer\LinkItemNormalizer::normalize()

Overrides ComplexDataNormalizer::normalize


src/Normalizer/LinkItemNormalizer.php, line 53






public function normalize($object, $format = NULL, array $context = []) {
  $attributes = [];
  foreach ($object
    ->getProperties(TRUE) as $name => $field) {
    $attributes[$name] = $this->serializer
      ->normalize($field, $format, $context);

  // For some reasons the options field is not normalized correctly if it
  // has more information like attributes added by menu_attributes module.
  // The field data will be empty after normalization, so we add missing data
  // here.
  if (!empty($object
    ->getValue()['options']) && empty($attributes['options'])) {
    $attributes['options'] = $object

  // Use the entity UUID instead of ID in urls like internal:/node/1.
  if (isset($attributes['uri'])) {
    $scheme = parse_url($attributes['uri'], PHP_URL_SCHEME);
    if (!in_array($scheme, [
    ])) {
      return $attributes;
    $path = parse_url($attributes['uri'], PHP_URL_PATH);

    // This service is not injected to avoid circular reference error when
    // installing page_manager contrib module.
    $url = \Drupal::service('path.validator')
    if ($url instanceof Url) {
      $internal_path = ltrim($url
        ->getInternalPath(), '/');
      $path = ltrim($path, '/');

      // Return attributes as they are if uri is an alias.
      if ($path != $internal_path) {
        return $attributes;
      $route_name = $url
      $route_name_parts = explode('.', $route_name);
      if ($route_name_parts[0] === 'entity' && $this
        ->isMultiversionableEntityType($route_name_parts[1])) {
        $entity_type = $route_name_parts[1];
        $entity_id = $url
      else {
        return $attributes;
    else {
      return $attributes;
    $entity = $this->entityTypeManager
    if ($entity instanceof EntityInterface) {
      $entity_uuid = $entity
      $attributes['uri'] = str_replace($entity_id, $entity_uuid, $attributes['uri']);
      $attributes['_entity_uuid'] = $entity_uuid;
      $attributes['_entity_type'] = $entity_type;
      $bundle_key = $entity
      $bundle = $entity
      if ($bundle_key && $bundle) {
        $attributes[$bundle_key] = $bundle;
  return $attributes;