function relation_handler_relationship::query in Relation 7
Called to implement a relationship in a query.
Overrides views_handler_relationship::query
- views/, line 57 - Views relationship support.
- relation_handler_relationship
- @file Views relationship support.
function query() {
$field = field_info_field('endpoints');
$relation_data_table_name = _field_sql_storage_tablename($field);
$entity_id_field_name = _field_sql_storage_columnname('endpoints', 'entity_id');
$entity_type_field_name = _field_sql_storage_columnname('endpoints', 'entity_type');
$r_index_field_name = _field_sql_storage_columnname('endpoints', 'r_index');
$join_type = empty($this->options['required']) ? 'LEFT' : 'INNER';
$endpoints_twice = isset($this->definition['entity_type_left']) && isset($this->definition['entity_type_right']);
// Join the left table with the entity type to the endpoints field data table.
$join = new views_join();
$join->definition = array(
'left_table' => $this->table_alias,
'left_field' => $this->real_field,
'table' => $relation_data_table_name,
'type' => $join_type,
'extra' => array(
'field' => 'bundle',
'value' => $this->definition['relation_type'],
if (isset($this->definition['entity_type_left'])) {
// The left table is an entity, not a relation.
$join->definition['field'] = $entity_id_field_name;
->ensure_no_duplicate_entities($join->definition['extra'], $this->options['entity_deduplication_left'], $this->definition['relation_type'], $this->definition['entity_type_left'], $this->table_alias, $this->real_field);
$join->definition['extra'][] = array(
'field' => $entity_type_field_name,
'value' => $this->definition['entity_type_left'],
else {
// The left table is relation.
$join->definition['field'] = 'entity_id';
if ($this->definition['directional'] && $this->options['r_index'] > -1) {
$join->definition['extra'][] = array(
'field' => $r_index_field_name,
'value' => $this->options['r_index'],
$join->adjusted = TRUE;
$l = $this->query
->add_table($relation_data_table_name, $this->relationship, $join);
if ($endpoints_twice) {
// Execute a self-join.
$join = new views_join();
$join->definition = array(
'left_table' => $l,
'left_field' => 'entity_id',
'table' => $relation_data_table_name,
'field' => 'entity_id',
'type' => $join_type,
'extra' => array(
'field' => $entity_type_field_name,
'value' => $this->definition['entity_type_right'],
if ($this->definition['entity_type_left'] == $this->definition['entity_type_right']) {
$join->definition['extra'][] = array(
// This definition is a bit funny but there's no other way to tell
// Views to use an expression in join extra as it is.
'field' => $r_index_field_name . ' != ' . $l . '.' . $r_index_field_name . ' AND 1',
'value' => 1,
$join->adjusted = TRUE;
$r = $this->query
->add_table($relation_data_table_name, $this->relationship, $join);
else {
$r = $l;
$join = new views_join();
$join->definition = array(
'left_table' => $r,
'table' => $this->definition['base'],
'field' => $this->definition['base field'],
'type' => $join_type,
if (isset($this->definition['entity_type_right'])) {
// We are finishing on an entity table.
$join->definition['left_field'] = $entity_id_field_name;
->ensure_no_duplicate_entities($join->definition['extra'], $this->options['entity_deduplication_right'], $this->definition['relation_type'], $this->definition['entity_type_right'], $r, $entity_id_field_name);
$join->definition['extra'][] = array(
'table' => $r,
'field' => $entity_type_field_name,
'value' => $this->definition['entity_type_right'],
else {
// We are finishing on relation.
$join->definition['left_field'] = 'entity_id';
$join->adjusted = TRUE;
// use a short alias for this:
$alias = $this->definition['base'] . '_' . $this->table;
$this->alias = $this->query
->add_relationship($alias, $join, $this->definition['base'], $this->relationship);