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function RelationUITestCase::testRelationImport in Relation 7

Tests importing method.


tests/relation_ui.test, line 56
Tests for Relation UI module.


Tests Relation UI.


function testRelationImport() {

  // Tests navigate to import page and all fields are available.
    ->clickLink(t('Import relation type'));
    ->assertFieldByName('op', t('Import'));

  // Tests import a relation. The relation name is coming from source. So
  // first imports a simple relation without adding a different name, check
  // status message and return to the relations listing page to check the
  // imported relation is available.
  $post = array(
    'relation_type' => '
        $relation_type = new stdClass();
        $relation_type->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default relation_type disabled initially */
        $relation_type->api_version = 1;
        $relation_type->relation_type = \'is_similar_to\';
        $relation_type->label = \'is similar to\';
        $relation_type->reverse_label = \'is similar to\';
        $relation_type->directional = 0;
        $relation_type->transitive = 1;
        $relation_type->r_unique = 1;
        $relation_type->min_arity = 4;
        $relation_type->max_arity = 5;
        $relation_type->source_bundles = array(
          0 => \'node:*\',
        $relation_type->target_bundles = array();
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $post, t('Import'));
    ->assertText(t('Successfully imported is_similar_to'));
    ->assertLink('is similar to', 0, t('The imported relation is exist'));

  // Navaigates to edit page, checks machine name and the imported data. The
  // imported data contains the following field checks:
  // - the selected bundle
  // - directional checkbox
  // - transivite checkbox
  // - unique checkbox
  // - minimum and maximum arity select lists
    ->clickLink('is similar to');

  // Checks the corect url.
    ->assertUrl('admin/structure/relation/manage/is_similar_to', array(), t('The imported machine name is correct.'));

  // Checks that only the correct bundle is selected.
  $bundle_options = $this
    ->xpath('//select[@id=:id]//option', array(
    ':id' => 'edit-source-bundles',
  foreach ($bundle_options as $option) {
      ->assertIdentical((string) $option['value'] == 'node:*', isset($option['selected']));

  // Checks other datas.
    ->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-directional', t('Directional data is imported correct.'));
    ->assertFieldChecked('edit-advanced-transitive', t('Transitive data is imported correct.'));
    ->assertFieldChecked('edit-advanced-r-unique', t('Unique data is imported correct.'));
    ->assertOptionSelected('edit-advanced-min-arity', '4', t('Minimum arity data is imported correct.'));
    ->assertOptionSelected('edit-advanced-max-arity', '5', t('Maximum arity data is imported correct.'));

  // Tests validation of duplication import.
  $post = array(
    'relation_type' => '
        $relation_type = new stdClass();
        $relation_type->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default relation_type disabled initially */
        $relation_type->api_version = 1;
        $relation_type->relation_type = \'is_similar_to\';
        $relation_type->label = \'is similar to\';
        $relation_type->reverse_label = \'is similar to\';
        $relation_type->directional = 0;
        $relation_type->transitive = 1;
        $relation_type->r_unique = 1;
        $relation_type->min_arity = 4;
        $relation_type->max_arity = 5;
        $relation_type->source_bundles = array(
          0 => \'node:*\',
        $relation_type->target_bundles = array();
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/relation/import', $post, t('Import'));
    ->assertNoText(t('Successfully imported is_similar_to'));
    ->assertText(t('A relation type by that name already exists; please choose a different name'));

  // Delete unused relation.

  // Tests importing with overridden machine name. So after imporing check
  // the status message, check that the imported relation is available and
  // check the modified machine name.
  $post = array(
    'name' => 'overridden_import_test',
    'relation_type' => '
        $relation_type = new stdClass();
        $relation_type->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default relation_type disabled initially */
        $relation_type->api_version = 1;
        $relation_type->relation_type = \'is_similar_to\';
        $relation_type->label = \'is similar to\';
        $relation_type->reverse_label = \'is similar to\';
        $relation_type->directional = 0;
        $relation_type->transitive = 1;
        $relation_type->r_unique = 1;
        $relation_type->min_arity = 4;
        $relation_type->max_arity = 5;
        $relation_type->source_bundles = array(
          0 => \'node:*\',
        $relation_type->target_bundles = array();
    ->drupalPost('admin/structure/relation/import', $post, t('Import'));
    ->assertText(t('Successfully imported overridden_import_test'));
    ->assertLink('is similar to', 0, t('The imported relation is exist'));
    ->clickLink('is similar to');
    ->assertUrl('admin/structure/relation/manage/overridden_import_test', array(), t('The imported machine name is correct.'));

  // Test that relations of imported relation type are accessible from
  // admin/content
  $endpoint = array(
    'entity_type' => 'node',
    'entity_id' => $this->node1->nid,
  $relation = relation_create('overridden_import_test', array_fill(0, 5, $endpoint));
  $rid = relation_save($relation);
    ->assertLink(t('Relation') . ' ' . $rid, 0, t('Relation of imported type is listed in admin/content'));

  // Delete unused relation.