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function RelationUITestCase::testRelationDelete in Relation 7

Tests deletion of a relation.


tests/relation_ui.test, line 32
Tests for Relation UI module.


Tests Relation UI.


function testRelationDelete() {
  $relations = relation_query('node', $this->node1->nid)
    ->propertyOrderBy('created', 'DESC')
  $relation = $relations[$this->rid_directional];
    ->drupalPost("relation/{$relation->rid}/delete", array(), t('Delete'));
  $arg = array(
    ':rid' => $relation->rid,
    ->assertFalse((bool) db_query_range('SELECT * FROM {relation} WHERE rid = :rid', 0, 1, $arg)
    ->fetchField(), 'Nothing in relation table after delete.');
    ->assertFalse((bool) db_query_range('SELECT * FROM {relation_revision} WHERE rid = :rid', 0, 1, $arg)
    ->fetchField(), 'Nothing in relation revision table after delete.');
  $skeleton_relation = entity_create_stub_entity('relation', array(
  field_attach_load('relation', array(
    $relation->rid => $skeleton_relation,
    ->assertIdentical($skeleton_relation->endpoints, array(), t('Field data not present after delete'));

  // Try deleting the content types.
  $num_relations = 1;

  // See relation_type_delete_confirm() in relation_ui.module
    ->assertRaw(format_plural($num_relations, 'The %label relation type is used by 1 relation on your site. If you remove this relation type, you will not be able to edit  %label relations and they may not display correctly.', 'The %label relation type is used by @count relations on your site. If you remove %label, you will not be able to edit %label relations and they may not display correctly.', array(
    '%label' => $this->relation_types['symmetric']['label'],
    '@count' => $num_relations,
  )), 'Correct number of relations found (1) for ' . $this->relation_types['symmetric']['label'] . ' relation type.');