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6 calls to registration_get_registration_instances() in Entity Registration 8

registration_admin_paths in ./registration.module
Implements hook_admin_paths().
registration_entity_set_default_settings in ./registration.module
Sets the the registration entity settings to the deafults.
registration_menu in ./registration.module
@FIXME This implementation of hook_menu() cannot be automatically converted because it contains logic (i.e., branching statements, function calls, object instantiation, etc.) You will need to convert it manually. Sorry!
registration_update_7104 in ./registration.install
Updates settings for multiple registration limits and slots/spaces renaming.
registration_update_7107 in ./registration.install
Set default configuration for "register tab" display.
registration_views_views_data_alter in modules/registration_views/registration_views.module
Implements hook_views_data_alter().