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7 calls to regcode_get_vocab_terms() in Registration codes 7

regcode_admin_create in ./regcode.admin.php
Create registration codes form.
regcode_ie_admin_import in regcode_ie/regcode_ie.module
Import registration codes form.
regcode_mailer_mail_action_form in regcode_mailer/regcode_mailer.module
Form for the mail action.
regcode_og_create in regcode_og/regcode_og.module
Form: Create form for og assignment rules.
regcode_og_settings in regcode_og/regcode_og.module
Form: Settings form for an og assignment rule.
regcode_roles_admin in regcode_roles/regcode_roles.module
Admin page for role assignment.
regcode_tag_action_form in ./regcode.module
Form for tag_action.