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abstract public function reference_table_formatter_base_type::load_entity_from_item in Reference Table Formatter 7

Load the target entity from the given item.


$item: Content items from the field.

Return value

object A loaded entity.

1 call to reference_table_formatter_base_type::load_entity_from_item()
reference_table_formatter_base_type::render_table in ./
Render a table of content from the plugin.
5 methods override reference_table_formatter_base_type::load_entity_from_item()
reference_table_formatter_commerce_product_reference::load_entity_from_item in plugins/reference_types/
Load the target entity from the given item.
reference_table_formatter_entityreference::load_entity_from_item in plugins/reference_types/
Load the target entity from the given item.
reference_table_formatter_field_collection::load_entity_from_item in plugins/reference_types/
Load the target entity from the given item.
reference_table_formatter_paragraphs::load_entity_from_item in plugins/reference_types/
Load the target entity from the given item.
reference_table_formatter_taxonomy_term_reference::load_entity_from_item in plugins/reference_types/
Load the target entity from the given item.


./, line 68
A base class for the "reference type" plugin.


Class reference_table_formatter_base_type


public abstract function load_entity_from_item($item);