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Placeholder file for using the PhpRedis cache backend. This file will also ensure the client handling API is fully loaded for lock backend.

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 * @file
 * Placeholder file for using the PhpRedis cache backend. This file will also
 * ensure the client handling API is fully loaded for lock backend.

// No autoloader is here during early bootstrap phases.
if (!class_exists('Redis_Client_PhpRedis')) {
  $local_redis_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/Redis';
  require_once $local_redis_path . '/Client/Interface.php';
  require_once $local_redis_path . '/Client.php';
  require_once $local_redis_path . '/Client/PhpRedis.php';
  require_once $local_redis_path . '/Cache/PhpRedis.php';

// Register our specific client.
if (!Redis_Client::hasClient()) {
  Redis_Client::setClient(new Redis_Client_PhpRedis());