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public function Redis_Lock_DefaultBackend::getKey in Redis 7.3

Generate a redis key name for the current lock name

Overrides Redis_AbstractBackend::getKey

8 calls to Redis_Lock_DefaultBackend::getKey()
Redis_Lock_PhpRedis::lockAcquire in lib/Redis/Lock/PhpRedis.php
Acquire lock.
Redis_Lock_PhpRedis::lockMayBeAvailable in lib/Redis/Lock/PhpRedis.php
Check if lock is available for acquire.
Redis_Lock_PhpRedis::lockRelease in lib/Redis/Lock/PhpRedis.php
Release given lock.
Redis_Lock_PhpRedis::lockReleaseAll in lib/Redis/Lock/PhpRedis.php
Release all locks for the given lock token identifier.
Redis_Lock_Predis::lockAcquire in lib/Redis/Lock/Predis.php
Acquire lock.

... See full list


lib/Redis/Lock/DefaultBackend.php, line 82


Lock backend shared methods.


public function getKey($name = null) {
  if (null === $name) {
    return parent::getKey('lock');
  else {
    return parent::getKey(array(