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public static function Redis_Client::getClient in Redis 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 lib/Redis/Client.php \Redis_Client::getClient()
  2. 7.2 lib/Redis/Client.php \Redis_Client::getClient()

Get the client for the 'default' realm

Return value


10 calls to Redis_Client::getClient()
phpredis_client_get in ./redis.module
Get Redis client for php-redis extension.
predis_client_get in ./redis.module
Get Redis client for Predis library.
Redis_Cache::__construct in lib/Redis/Cache.php
redis_help in ./redis.module
Implements hook_help().
Redis_Lock::getBackend in lib/Redis/Lock.php
Get actual lock backend.

... See full list


lib/Redis/Client.php, line 211


This static class only reason to exist is to tie Drupal global configuration to OOP driven code of this module: it will handle everything that must be read from global configuration and let other components live without any existence of it


public static function getClient() {
  return self::getManager()