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public function Redis_Client_PhpRedis::getClient in Redis 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 lib/Redis/Client/PhpRedis.php \Redis_Client_PhpRedis::getClient()
  2. 7.2 lib/Redis/Client/PhpRedis.php \Redis_Client_PhpRedis::getClient()

Get the connected client instance.

Return value

mixed Real client depends from the library behind.

Overrides Redis_Client_Interface::getClient


lib/Redis/Client/PhpRedis.php, line 8


PhpRedis client specific implementation.


public function getClient($host = NULL, $port = NULL, $base = NULL) {
  $client = new Redis();
    ->connect($host, $port);
  if (isset($base)) {

  // Do not allow PhpRedis serialize itself data, we are going to do it
  // ourself. This will ensure less memory footprint on Redis size when
  // we will attempt to store small values.
    ->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, Redis::SERIALIZER_NONE);
  return $client;