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protected function Redis_Cache_PhpRedis::clearWithEval in Redis 7.2

1 call to Redis_Cache_PhpRedis::clearWithEval()
Redis_Cache_PhpRedis::clear in lib/Redis/Cache/PhpRedis.php
Expires data from the cache.


lib/Redis/Cache/PhpRedis.php, line 127


Predis cache backend.


protected function clearWithEval($cid = NULL, $wildcard = FALSE) {
  $client = Redis_Client::getClient();

  // @todo Should I restore the clear mode?
  if (NULL === $cid && FALSE === $wildcard) {

    // Flush volatile keys.
    // Per Drupal core definition, do not expire volatile keys
    // when a default cache lifetime is set.
    if (Redis_Cache_Base::LIFETIME_INFINITE == variable_get('cache_lifetime', Redis_Cache_Base::LIFETIME_DEFAULT)) {
      $ret = $client
        ->eval(self::EVAL_DELETE_VOLATILE, array(
      if (1 != $ret) {
        trigger_error(sprintf("EVAL failed: %s", $client
          ->getLastError()), E_USER_ERROR);
  else {
    if ('*' !== $cid && $wildcard) {

      // Flush by prefix.
      $ret = $client
        ->eval(self::EVAL_DELETE_PREFIX, array(
          ->getKey($cid . '*'),
      if (1 != $ret) {
        trigger_error(sprintf("EVAL failed: %s", $client
          ->getLastError()), E_USER_ERROR);
    else {
      if ('*' === $cid) {

        // Flush everything.
        $ret = $client
          ->eval(self::EVAL_DELETE_PREFIX, array(
        if (1 != $ret) {
          trigger_error(sprintf("EVAL failed: %s", $client
            ->getLastError()), E_USER_ERROR);
      else {
        if (!$wildcard) {