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RedirectUITest.php in Redirect 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\redirect\Functional;

use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\Core\Language\Language;
use Drupal\Core\Logger\RfcLogLevel;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term;
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Vocabulary;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;

 * UI tests for redirect module.
 * @group redirect
class RedirectUITest extends BrowserTestBase {
  use AssertRedirectTrait;

   * @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface
  protected $adminUser;

   * @var \Drupal\redirect\RedirectRepository
  protected $repository;

   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage
  protected $storage;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
      'type' => 'article',
      'name' => 'Article',
    $this->adminUser = $this
      'administer redirects',
      'administer redirect settings',
      'access content',
      'bypass node access',
      'create url aliases',
      'administer taxonomy',
      'administer url aliases',
    $this->repository = \Drupal::service('redirect.repository');
    $this->storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

   * Tests redirects being automatically created upon path alias change.
  public function testAutomaticRedirects() {

    // Create a node and update its path alias which should result in a redirect
    // being automatically created from the old alias to the new one.
    $node = $this
      'type' => 'article',
      'langcode' => Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED,
      'path' => [
        'alias' => '/node_test_alias',
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->assertText(t('No URL redirects available.'));
      ->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit', [
      'path[0][alias]' => '/node_test_alias_updated',
    ], t('Save'));
    $redirect = $this->repository
      ->findMatchingRedirect('node_test_alias', [], Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED);
      ->toString(), Url::fromUri('base:node_test_alias_updated')

    // Test if the automatically created redirect works.
      ->assertRedirect('node_test_alias', 'node_test_alias_updated');

    // Test that changing the path back deletes the first redirect, creates
    // a new one and does not result in a loop.
      ->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit', [
      'path[0][alias]' => '/node_test_alias',
    ], t('Save'));
    $redirect = $this->repository
      ->findMatchingRedirect('node_test_alias', [], Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED);
    $redirect = $this->repository
      ->findMatchingRedirect('node_test_alias_updated', [], Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED);
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->assertLinkByHref(Url::fromRoute('entity.redirect.edit_form', [
      'redirect' => $redirect
      ->assertLinkByHref(Url::fromRoute('entity.redirect.delete_form', [
      'redirect' => $redirect
      ->toString(), Url::fromUri('base:node_test_alias')

    // Test if the automatically created redirect works.
      ->assertRedirect('node_test_alias_updated', 'node_test_alias');

    // Test that the redirect will be deleted upon node deletion.
      ->drupalPostForm('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/delete', [], t('Delete'));
    $redirect = $this->repository
      ->findMatchingRedirect('node_test_alias_updated', [], Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED);

    // Create a term and update its path alias and check if we have a redirect
    // from the previous path alias to the new one.
    $term = $this
      ->drupalPostForm('taxonomy/term/' . $term
      ->id() . '/edit', [
      'path[0][alias]' => '/term_test_alias_updated',
    ], t('Save'));
    $redirect = $this->repository
      ->toString(), Url::fromUri('base:term_test_alias_updated')

    // Test if the automatically created redirect works.
      ->assertRedirect('term_test_alias', 'term_test_alias_updated');
    if (version_compare(\Drupal::VERSION, '8.8', '>=')) {
      $path_field = 'path[0][value]';
      $alias_field = 'alias[0][value]';
    else {
      $path_field = 'source';
      $alias_field = 'alias';

    // Test the path alias update via the admin path form.
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/path/add', [
      $path_field => '/node',
      $alias_field => '/aaa_path_alias',
    ], t('Save'));

    // Note that here we rely on fact that we land on the path alias list page
    // and the default sort is by the alias, which implies that the first edit
    // link leads to the edit page of the aaa_path_alias.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      $alias_field => '/aaa_path_alias_updated',
    ], t('Save'));
    $redirect = $this->repository
      ->findMatchingRedirect('aaa_path_alias', [], 'en');
      ->toString(), Url::fromUri('base:aaa_path_alias_updated')

    // Test if the automatically created redirect works.
      ->assertRedirect('aaa_path_alias', 'aaa_path_alias_updated');

    // Test the automatically created redirect shows up in the form correctly.
      ->drupalGet('admin/config/search/redirect/edit/' . $redirect
      ->assertFieldByName('redirect_source[0][path]', 'aaa_path_alias');
      ->assertFieldByName('redirect_redirect[0][uri]', '/node');

   * Test the redirect loop protection and logging.
  function testRedirectLoop() {

    // Redirect loop redirection only works when page caching is disabled.

    /** @var \Drupal\redirect\Entity\Redirect $redirect1 */
    $redirect1 = $this->storage

    /** @var \Drupal\redirect\Entity\Redirect $redirect2 */
    $redirect2 = $this->storage
    $this->maximumRedirects = 10;
      ->assertText('Service unavailable');
    $log = \Drupal::database()
      ->condition('type', 'redirect')
    if (count($log) == 0) {
        ->fail('Redirect loop has not been logged');
    else {
      $log = reset($log);
        ->assertEquals(RfcLogLevel::WARNING, $log->severity);
        ->assertEquals('Redirect loop identified at %path for redirect %rid', $log->message);
        '%path' => '/node',
        '%rid' => $redirect1
      ], unserialize($log->variables));

   * Returns a new vocabulary with random properties.
  function createVocabulary() {

    // Create a vocabulary.
    $vocabulary = Vocabulary::create([
      'name' => $this
      'description' => $this
      'vid' => mb_strtolower($this
      'langcode' => Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED,
      'weight' => mt_rand(0, 10),
    return $vocabulary;

   * Returns a new term with random properties in vocabulary $vid.
  function createTerm($vocabulary) {
    $filter_formats = filter_formats();
    $format = array_pop($filter_formats);
    $term = Term::create([
      'name' => $this
      'description' => [
        'value' => $this
        // Use the first available text format.
        'format' => $format
      'vid' => $vocabulary
      'langcode' => Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED,
      'path' => [
        'alias' => '/term_test_alias',
    return $term;

   * Test cache tags.
   * @todo Not sure this belongs in a UI test, but a full web test is needed.
  public function testCacheTags() {

    /** @var \Drupal\redirect\Entity\Redirect $redirect1 */
    $redirect1 = $this->storage
    $response = $this
      ->assertRedirect('test-redirect', 'node');

    // Note, self::assertCacheTag() cannot be used here since it only looks at
    // the final set of headers.
    $expected = 'http_response ' . implode(' ', $redirect1
      ->assertEqual($expected, $response
      ->getHeader('x-drupal-cache-tags')[0], 'Redirect cache tags properly set.');

    // First request should be a cache MISS.
      ->getHeader('x-drupal-cache')[0], 'MISS', 'First request to the redirect was not cached.');

    // Second request should be cached.
    $response = $this
      ->assertRedirect('test-redirect', 'node');
      ->getHeader('x-drupal-cache')[0], 'HIT', 'The second request to the redirect was cached.');

    // Ensure that the redirect has been cleared from cache when deleted.
      ->assertResponse(404, 'Deleted redirect properly clears the internal page cache.');

   * Test external destinations.
  public function testExternal() {
    $redirect = $this->storage

    // @todo Redirect::setRedirect() assumes that all redirects are internal.
      ->set(0, [
      'uri' => '',
      ->assertRedirect('a-path', '');



Namesort descending Description
RedirectUITest UI tests for redirect module.