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RedirectUILanguageTest.php in Redirect 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\redirect\Functional;

use Drupal\language\Entity\ConfigurableLanguage;

 * UI tests for redirect module with language and content translation modules.
 * This runs the exact same tests as RedirectUITest, but with both the language
 * and content translation modules enabled.
 * @group redirect
class RedirectUILanguageTest extends RedirectUITest {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $language = ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode('de');
    $language = ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode('es');

   * Test multilingual scenarios.
  public function testLanguageSpecificRedirects() {
      ->assertOption('edit-language-0-value', 'en');
      ->assertOption('edit-language-0-value', 'de');
      ->assertOption('edit-language-0-value', 'es');
      ->assertOption('edit-language-0-value', 'und');
      ->assertNoOption('edit-language-0-value', 'zxx');
      ->assertOptionByText('edit-language-0-value', 'English');
      ->assertOptionByText('edit-language-0-value', 'German');
      ->assertOptionByText('edit-language-0-value', 'Spanish');
      ->assertOptionByText('edit-language-0-value', '- All languages -');

    // Add a redirect for english.
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/redirect/add', [
      'redirect_source[0][path]' => 'langpath',
      'redirect_redirect[0][uri]' => '/user',
      'language[0][value]' => 'en',
    ], t('Save'));

    // Add a redirect for germany.
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/redirect/add', [
      'redirect_source[0][path]' => 'langpath',
      'redirect_redirect[0][uri]' => '<front>',
      'language[0][value]' => 'de',
    ], t('Save'));

    // Check redirect for english.
      ->assertRedirect('langpath', '/user', 301);

    // Check redirect for germany.
      ->assertRedirect('de/langpath', '/de', 301);

    // Check no redirect for spanish.
      ->assertRedirect('es/langpath', NULL, 404);

   * Test non-language specific redirect.
  public function testUndefinedLangugageRedirects() {

    // Add a redirect for english.
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/redirect/add', [
      'redirect_source[0][path]' => 'langpath',
      'redirect_redirect[0][uri]' => '/user',
      'language[0][value]' => 'und',
    ], t('Save'));

    // Check redirect for english.
      ->assertRedirect('langpath', '/user', 301);

    // Check redirect for spanish.
      ->assertRedirect('es/langpath', '/es/user', 301);

   * Test editing the redirect language.
  public function testEditRedirectLanguage() {

    // Add a redirect for english.
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/config/search/redirect/add', [
      'redirect_source[0][path]' => 'langpath',
      'redirect_redirect[0][uri]' => '/user',
      'language[0][value]' => 'en',
    ], t('Save'));

    // Check redirect for english.
      ->assertRedirect('langpath', '/user', 301);

    // Check that redirect for Germany is not working.
      ->assertRedirect('de/langpath', NULL, 404);

    // Edit the redirect and change the language.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      'language[0][value]' => 'de',
    ], t('Save'));

    // Check redirect for english is NOT working now.
      ->assertRedirect('langpath', NULL, 404);

    // Check that redirect for Germany is now working.
      ->assertRedirect('de/langpath', '/de/user', 301);



Namesort descending Description
RedirectUILanguageTest UI tests for redirect module with language and content translation modules.