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6 calls to redhen_relation_role_get_permissions() in RedHen CRM 7

redhen_contact_access in modules/redhen_contact/redhen_contact.module
Checks contact access for various operations.
redhen_org_access in modules/redhen_org/redhen_org.module
Checks org access for various operations.
redhen_org_page in modules/redhen_org/includes/
Page callback for org overview page.
redhen_org_page_access in modules/redhen_org/redhen_org.module
Access callback for organization list page.
redhen_relation_access in modules/redhen_relation/redhen_relation.module
Access callback for viewing and managing relations on the RedHen connection pages.
redhen_relation_entity_access in modules/redhen_relation/redhen_relation.module
Relation entity access call back. Replaces the default relation entity access and menu access callbacks.