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Recommender.php in Recommender API 6.2


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// $Id: Recommender.php,v 1.13 2010/06/03 17:52:22 danithaca Exp $

 * This PHP file has to work with Drupal.
 * @author Daniel Xiaodan Zhou,
 * @copyright GPL
require_once 'Matrix.php';

// the maximum number of items the topSimilarity/topPrediction can return.
define('TOP_N_LIMIT', 1000);

// the maximum number of records in one insert batch.
define('INSERT_LIMIT', 5000);

 * The super class for all other Recommender algorithms.
class Recommender {
  protected $appName;
  protected $appId;
  protected $tableName;
  protected $fieldMouse;
  protected $fieldCheese;
  protected $fieldWeight;

  // options
  protected $options;
  protected $performance;

  // could be 'memory', 'database', 'java', or the default 'auto'
  protected $missing;

  // determines how to handle missing data. could be 'none' (default) or 'zero'
  protected $created;

  // current UNIX timestamp as the Recommender initialize.
  protected $duplicate;

  // how to handle duplicate predication data: 'keep', 'remove'.
  // in memory computation related fields. only initialized after running loadDirectMatrix()
  protected $directMatrix;

  // mouse-cheese matrix
  protected $mouseMap;

  // real mouse_id => the index in the directMatrix
  protected $cheeseMap;
  protected $similarityMatrix;

  // mouse-mouse matrix
  protected $predictionMatrix;
  protected $mouseNum;
  protected $cheeseNum;

  // constructor. no need to override. just override the initialize() function.
  function __construct($appName, $tableName, $fieldMouse, $fieldCheese, $fieldWeight, $options = array()) {

    // remove the watchdog [#672166]

    //watchdog("recommender", "Initializing recommender with class ". get_class($this) ." for application $appName");
    $this->appName = $appName;
    $this->appId = self::convertAppId($appName);
    $this->tableName = $tableName;
    $this->fieldMouse = $fieldMouse;
    $this->fieldCheese = $fieldCheese;
    $this->fieldWeight = $fieldWeight;
    $this->options = $options;
    $this->created = time();
    $this->mouseNum = NULL;

    // init to NULL for late initialization
    $this->cheeseNum = NULL;

    // $this->performance determines whether computation is done in memory/database/java, or maybe undefined
    $this->performance = @$options['performance'];
    if (!isset($this->performance) || $this->performance != 'database' && $this->performance != 'memory' && $this->performance != 'java') {
      $this->performance = 'auto';

    // $this->missing determines how to handle missing data.
    $this->missing = @$options['missing'];
    if (!isset($this->missing) || $this->missing != 'none' && $this->missing != 'zero') {
      $this->missing = 'none';
    $this->duplicate = @$options['duplicate'];
    if (!isset($this->duplicate) || $this->duplicate != 'keep' && $this->duplicate != 'remove') {
      $this->duplicate = 'remove';

    // give a chance to derived classes to do something.
  protected function initialize() {

    // Do nothing here. Derivied classes could do something.

   * After calling this function, data would be ready to process. Could be:
   * 1) if it's in database, then $->tableName, $this->$field* would store the correct info.
   * 2) if it's in memory, then $this->directMatrix will be the matrix
   * @param $performance could be 'memory' or 'database'
   * @param $missing could be 'none' or 'zero'.
   * @return unknown_type
  protected function prepareData($performance, $missing = 'none') {
    if ($performance == 'database') {

      // if $tableName is SQL, then process it.
      if ($missing == 'zero') {

        // don't think expanding the data is useful for database.
        // code could be found in recommender.module v.1.10 _recommender_expand_sparse_data()
    else {
      if ($performance == 'memory') {
        $sparse = $missing == 'zero' ? FALSE : TRUE;

  // if the table is SQL query, use {recommender_helper_staging} instead. [#394794]
  protected function processTable() {

    // if $tableName starts with SELECT, we consider it as a SQL query.
    if (stripos($this->tableName, 'SELECT ') === 0) {
      db_query("TRUNCATE {recommender_helper_staging}");
      db_query("INSERT INTO {recommender_helper_staging} SELECT {$this->fieldMouse}, {$this->fieldCheese}, {$this->fieldWeight} FROM ({$this->tableName}) sql_table");
      $this->tableName = "recommender_helper_staging";
      $this->fieldMouse = "mouse_id";
      $this->fieldCheese = "cheese_id";
      $this->fieldWeight = "weight";

   * Load matrix from the database into a matrix class in memory
   * @return unknown_type
  protected function loadDirectMatrix($sparse = FALSE) {

    // retrieve value from the database. setup program.
    watchdog('recommender', "Please be patient while loading data into memory. This step may fail if you don't have enough memory");
    if (stripos($this->tableName, 'SELECT ') === 0) {
      $sql = $this->tableName;

      // if $tableName is a SQL query, we'll just load it into memory w/o making it to
    else {

      // Note: (fieldMouse, fieldCheese) should be unique key, thus we shouldn't use SUM (which is only for fault tolerance).
      $sql = "SELECT {$this->fieldMouse}, {$this->fieldCheese}, SUM({$this->fieldWeight}) {$this->fieldWeight}\n              FROM {{$this->tableName}} GROUP BY {$this->fieldMouse}, {$this->fieldCheese}";
    $result = db_query($sql);
    $type = $sparse ? 'SparseMatrix' : 'RealMatrix';

    // create the matrix, might fail if not enough memory.
    $this->directMatrix = Matrix::create($type, $this
      ->getMouseNum(), $this
    $this->mouseMap = array();
    $this->cheeseMap = array();

    // build the matrix
    while ($line = db_fetch_array($result)) {
      $id_mouse = $line[$this->fieldMouse];
      $id_cheese = $line[$this->fieldCheese];
      $weight = $line[$this->fieldWeight];
      if (!array_key_exists($id_mouse, $this->mouseMap)) {
        $this->mouseMap[$id_mouse] = count($this->mouseMap);
      if (!array_key_exists($id_cheese, $this->cheeseMap)) {
        $this->cheeseMap[$id_cheese] = count($this->cheeseMap);
        ->set($this->mouseMap[$id_mouse], $this->cheeseMap[$id_cheese], $weight);

  // helper function for all memory based algorithms.
  protected function saveSimilarityMatrix($lowerbound = 0) {
    watchdog('recommender', "Saving similarity result to database. Please wait.");
    $map = array_flip($this->mouseMap);

    //$m = $this->getMouseNum();
    $data = array();
    $values = $this->similarityMatrix

    //for ($v1=0; $v1<$m; $v1++) {

    //  for ($v2=0; $v2<$m; $v2++) {
    foreach ($map as $v1 => $mouse1) {
      foreach ($map as $v2 => $mouse2) {
        if (!isset($values[$v1][$v2])) {

        // we might skip if it's undefined.
        $score = $values[$v1][$v2];
        if (!is_nan($score) && $score >= $lowerbound) {
          $data[] = "({$this->appId}, {$mouse1}, {$mouse2}, {$score}, {$this->created})";

        // end of if (score)

      // end of for($v2)

    // end of for($v1)
      ->batchInsert("INSERT INTO {recommender_similarity}(app_id, mouse1_id, mouse2_id, similarity, created) VALUES", $data);

  // TODO: lots of duplicate code from loadDirectMatrix, consider refactoring
  protected function loadSimilarityMatrix() {
    watchdog('recommender', "Please be patient while loading similarity data into memory. This step may fail if you don't have enough memory");
    $sql = "SELECT mouse1_id, mouse2_id, similarity FROM {recommender_similarity} WHERE app_id={$this->appId}";
    $result = db_query($sql);
    $m = $this

    // create the matrix, might fail if not enough memory.
    $this->similarityMatrix = Matrix::create('SparseMatrix', $m, $m);
    $this->mouseMap = array();

    // build the matrix
    while ($line = db_fetch_array($result)) {
      $id_mouse1 = $line["mouse1_id"];
      $id_mouse2 = $line["mouse2_id"];
      $weight = $line["similarity"];
      if (!array_key_exists($id_mouse1, $this->mouseMap)) {
        $this->mouseMap[$id_mouse1] = count($this->mouseMap);
      if (!array_key_exists($id_mouse2, $this->mouseMap)) {
        $this->mouseMap[$id_mouse2] = count($this->mouseMap);
        ->set($this->mouseMap[$id_mouse1], $this->mouseMap[$id_mouse2], $weight);
        ->set($this->mouseMap[$id_mouse2], $this->mouseMap[$id_mouse1], $weight);
  protected function getMouseNum($may_cache = TRUE) {
    if (!$may_cache || $this->mouseNum == NULL) {

      //if (isset($this->mouseMap)) {

      //  $this->mouseNum = count($this->mouseMap);

      //} else {
      $this->mouseNum = $this

    return $this->mouseNum;
  protected function getCheeseNum($may_cache = TRUE) {
    if (!$may_cache || $this->cheeseNum == NULL) {

      //if (isset($this->cheeseMap)) {

      //  $this->cheeseNum = count($this->cheeseMap);

      //} else {
      $this->cheeseNum = $this

    return $this->cheeseNum;

  // TODO: should respect the difference between memory/database.
  // if it's memory, just read data from the memory.
  // also, should take care of async problem between database/memory.
  protected function getEntityNum($field) {
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT {$field}) FROM ";
    if (stripos($this->tableName, 'SELECT ') === 0) {
      $sql .= "({$this->tableName}) sql_table";
    else {
      $sql .= "{{$this->tableName}}";
    return db_result(db_query($sql));
  protected function cleanupMemory() {

    // huge memory waste for large dataset. better unset it after it's done.

  // Derived classes might override this function as well.
  // by default it's computed in memory. if exceed memory limit, then caller should use the $performance factor.
  public function computeSimilarity() {
    watchdog("recommender", "Computing similarity. Might take a long time. Please be patient.");
    switch ($this->performance) {
      case 'database':
          ->prepareData('database', $this->missing);
      case 'java':
      case 'memory':
      case 'auto':
          ->prepareData('memory', $this->missing);

    // $this->purgeOutdatedRecords('similarity');

  // to be overriden. compute in memory
  protected function computeSimilarityMemory() {
    $msg = "ERROR: computing in memory is not support. Exit.";
    watchdog("recommender", $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    throw new Exception($msg);

  // to be overriden. compute in database
  protected function computeSimilarityDatabase() {
    $msg = "ERROR: computing in database is not support. Exit.";
    watchdog("recommender", $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    throw new Exception($msg);

  // to be overriden. compute using java
  protected function computeSimilarityJava() {
    $msg = "ERROR: computing using java is not support. Exit.";
    watchdog("recommender", $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    throw new Exception($msg);
  public function computePrediction() {
    watchdog("recommender", "Computing prediction. Might take a long time. Please be patient.");
    switch ($this->performance) {
      case 'database':
          ->prepareData('database', $this->missing);
      case 'java':
      case 'memory':
      case 'auto':
          ->prepareData('memory', $this->missing);

        // need to load similarity matrix too.

    // $this->purgeOutdatedRecords();

  // to be overriden. compute in memory
  protected function computePredictionMemory() {
    $msg = "ERROR: computing in memory is not support. Exit.";
    watchdog("recommender", $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    throw new Exception($msg);

  // to be overriden. compute in database
  protected function computePredictionDatabase() {
    $msg = "ERROR: computing in database is not support. Exit.";
    watchdog("recommender", $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    throw new Exception($msg);

  // to be overriden. compute using java
  protected function computePredictionJava() {
    $msg = "ERROR: computing using java is not support. Exit.";
    watchdog("recommender", $msg, array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    throw new Exception($msg);

  //////////// utility functions //////////////
  static function convertAppId($appName) {

    //if (!isset($appName) || empty($appName)) {

    //  return NULL; // should throw an exception.

    $id = db_result(db_query("SELECT app_id FROM {recommender_app_map} WHERE app_name='%s'", $appName));
    if (!isset($id) || empty($id) || $id === FALSE) {
      db_query("INSERT INTO {recommender_app_map}(app_name) VALUE('%s')", $appName);
      $id = db_result(db_query("SELECT app_id FROM {recommender_app_map} WHERE app_name='%s'", $appName));
    return $id;

  // getter function
  public function getAppId() {
    return $this->appId;
  static function purgeApp($appName) {
    $app_id = self::convertAppId($appName);
    db_query("DELETE FROM {recommender_similarity} WHERE app_id=%d", $app_id);
    db_query("DELETE FROM {recommender_prediction} WHERE app_id=%d", $app_id);
    db_query("DELETE FROM {recommender_slopeone_dev} WHERE app_id=%d", $app_id);
    db_query("DELETE FROM {recommender_app_map} WHERE app_id=%d", $app_id);
  protected function purgeOutdatedRecords($table) {
    update_sql("DELETE FROM {recommender_{$table}} WHERE app_id={$this->appId} AND created<>{$this->created}");

  // $insert_sql should look like 'INSERT ... VALUES '
  protected function batchInsert($insert_sql, &$data) {

    // without using pass-by-reference, this might use more memory [#509424]

    //$chunks = array_chunk(&$data, INSERT_LIMIT, TRUE);
    $chunks = array_chunk($data, INSERT_LIMIT, TRUE);
    foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
      update_sql($insert_sql . implode(',', $chunk));

   * Return the similarity between $mouse1 and $mouse2.
   * @param $mouse1
   * @param $mouse2
   * @return float similarity score for $mouse1 and $mouse2; return NAN if error
  public function retrieveSimilarity($mouse1, $mouse2) {
    $result = @db_query("SELECT similarity FROM {recommender_similarity}\n                WHERE app_id=%d AND mouse1_id=%d AND mouse2_id=%d", $this->appId, $mouse1, $mouse2);
    $similarity = db_result($result);

    // return FALSE or NULL could be confused with 0. Therefore, return NAN for error cases.
    return $similarity !== FALSE ? $similarity : NAN;
  public function retrievePrediction($mouse, $cheese) {
    $result = @db_query("SELECT prediction FROM {recommender_prediction}\n                WHERE app_id=%d AND mouse_id=%d AND cheese_id=%d", $this->appId, $mouse, $cheese);
    $prediction = db_result($result);

    // return FALSE or NULL could be confused with 0. Therefore, return NAN for error cases.
    return $prediction !== FALSE ? $prediction : NAN;
  public function topSimilarity($mouse, $topN, $testFunc = NULL) {
    $list = array();

    // TODO: should use pager_query(). this is a temporary solution
    $result = db_query_range("SELECT mouse2_id id, similarity score FROM {recommender_similarity}\n                              WHERE app_id=%d AND mouse1_id=%d AND mouse2_id<>mouse1_id\n                              ORDER BY similarity DESC, created DESC, mouse2_id ASC", $this->appId, $mouse, 0, TOP_N_LIMIT);
    while (($item = db_fetch_array($result)) && count($list) < $topN) {
      if ($testFunc === NULL || call_user_func($testFunc, $item)) {
        $list[] = $item;
    return $list;
  public function topPrediction($mouse, $topN, $testFunc = NULL) {
    $list = array();
    $result = db_query_range("SELECT cheese_id id, prediction score FROM {recommender_prediction}\n                              WHERE app_id=%d AND mouse_id=%d\n                              ORDER BY prediction DESC, created DESC, mouse_id ASC", $this->appId, $mouse, 0, TOP_N_LIMIT);
    while (($item = db_fetch_array($result)) && count($list) < $topN) {
      if ($testFunc === NULL || call_user_func($testFunc, $item)) {
        $list[] = $item;
    return $list;


//////////////// Derived recommender implementations //////////////////

 * The recommender implementation for the classical correlation-coefficient based algorithm
class CorrelationRecommender extends Recommender {
  private $lowerbound;
  private $sim_pred;
  protected function initialize() {
    $this->lowerbound = @$this->options['lowerbound'];
    if (!isset($this->lowerbound) || $this->lowerbound === NULL) {
      $this->lowerbound = -INF;

      // save everything.
    else {
      $this->lowerbound = @floatval($this->lowerbound);
    $this->sim_pred = @$this->options['sim_pred'];
    if (!isset($this->sim_pred) || $this->sim_pred != TRUE) {
      $this->sim_pred = FALSE;
    $this->knn = @$this->options['knn'];
    if (!isset($this->knn) || $this->knn === NULL) {
      $this->knn = 0;

      // take all the neighbors, not only the k nearest.
  protected function computeSimilarityMemory() {

    // data is already loaded by $this->loadDirectMatrix()
    watchdog('recommender', "Computing similarity scores in memory. Could be CPU resource intensive. Please be patient");
    $this->similarityMatrix = Matrix::correlation($this->directMatrix);

    // cleanaup
    if ($this->sim_pred == FALSE) {

  // TODO: think about whether to elevate this prediction method to the super class.
  public function computePrediction() {
    watchdog('recommender', "Only support prediction in-memory computation.");
    if ($this->sim_pred == FALSE) {

      // means we need to reload data. otherwise data already in memory after the similarity computation
        ->prepareData('memory', $this->missing);

      // need to load similarity matrix too.

  // Caution: this is a coding-in-progress function for [#483112]
  // $this->similarityMatrix should be loaded before calling this function.
  function _computePredictionMemory() {
    $m = $this
    $this->predictionMatrix = Matrix::create('SparseMatrix', $m, $n);
    $mouseVectors = $this->directMatrix
    foreach ($this->mouseMap as $mouse_id => $mouse_index) {
      foreach ($this->cheeseMap as $cheese_id => $cheese_index) {
  protected $mouseVectors;

  // TODO: written cursively. might need refactoring. [#483112]
  // 1. move code to Matrix.php?
  // 2. elevate code up to the super class?
  protected function computePredictionMemory() {

    // we do the computation based on $this->directMatrix loaded in memory, not on database
    $this->mouseVectors = $this->directMatrix
    $aux_matrix = array();

    // this is to store the normalized data (rating minus mean)
    $m = $this
    $n = $this
    $nan = $this->missing == 'none' ? TRUE : FALSE;
    $data = array();

    // calculate the difference matrix
    foreach ($this->mouseVectors as $mouse_index => $mouse_vec) {
      $mean = $mouse_vec
      for ($cheese_index = 0; $cheese_index < $n; $cheese_index++) {
        if (!is_nan($mouse_vec
          ->get($cheese_index))) {
          $aux_matrix[$mouse_index][$cheese_index] = $mouse_vec
            ->get($cheese_index) - $mean;
    $values = $this->similarityMatrix

    // not needed 'cause data will be saved directly to db.
    $this->predictionMatrix = Matrix::create('SparseMatrix', $m, $n);

    // calculate prediction for each mouse-cheese pair, and (optionally) save
    foreach ($this->mouseMap as $mouse_id => $mouse_index) {

      // (note: to improve performance w/ knn, move the for($j) loop here.)
      // implement knn
      if ($this->knn > 0) {
        $sim_scores = $values[$mouse_index];

        // make another copy
        if (empty($sim_scores)) {

        // if there's no knn, just skip.
        $sim_scores = array_slice($sim_scores, 0, $this->knn);
        $neighbor = array_keys($sim_scores);
      foreach ($this->cheeseMap as $cheese_id => $cheese_index) {
        if ($this->duplicate == 'remove' && $this
          ->recordExists($mouse_id, $cheese_id, $nan)) {
        $numerator = 0;
        $denomenator = 0;
        for ($j = 0; $j < $m; $j++) {
          if (isset($neighbor) && !in_array($j, $neighbor)) {

          // if not k-nearest-neighbor, skip
          if (!array_key_exists($cheese_index, $aux_matrix[$j])) {

          // if no rating, skip.
          if ($j == $mouse_index) {

          // skip my own rating
          $norm_weight = $aux_matrix[$j][$cheese_index];
          $sim = $this->similarityMatrix
            ->get($j, $mouse_index);
          if (is_nan($sim)) {
          $numerator += $norm_weight * $sim;
          $denomenator += abs($sim);
        if ($denomenator != 0) {
          $prediction = $this->mouseVectors[$mouse_index]
            ->mean(TRUE, $nan) + $numerator / $denomenator;

          // note: we use the same lowerbound setting for prediction generation.
          if ($prediction > $this->lowerbound) {
            $data[] = "({$this->appId}, {$mouse_id}, {$cheese_id}, {$prediction}, {$this->created})";
      ->savePredictionSql(), $data);

  // this is to aid override for derived classes
  protected function savePredictionSql() {
    return "INSERT INTO {recommender_prediction}(app_id, mouse_id, cheese_id, prediction, created) VALUES";
  private function getFromDirectMatrix($mouse_id, $cheese_id) {
    return $this->directMatrix
      ->get($this->mouseMap[$mouse_id], $this->cheeseMap[$cheese_id]);

  // FIXME: it is buggy to use 0 to test whether record exists or not!
  private function recordExists($mouse_id, $cheese_id, $nan) {
    if ($nan && is_nan($this
      ->getFromDirectMatrix($mouse_id, $cheese_id))) {
      return FALSE;
    else {
      if (!$nan && $this
        ->getFromDirectMatrix($mouse_id, $cheese_id) == 0) {
        return FALSE;
      else {
        return TRUE;

class User2UserRecommender extends CorrelationRecommender {

class Item2ItemRecommender extends CorrelationRecommender {

  // note: Item2Item is just to switch mouse and cheese.
  protected function initialize() {
    $temp = $this->fieldCheese;
    $this->fieldCheese = $this->fieldMouse;
    $this->fieldMouse = $temp;

  // use the same computePredictionMemory() implementation.
  protected function computePredictionMemory() {

  // note: reverse cheese and mouse when saving prediction
  protected function savePredictionSql() {

    //return "INSERT INTO {recommender_prediction}(app_id, mouse_id, cheese_id, prediction, created) VALUES";
    return "INSERT INTO {recommender_prediction}(app_id, cheese_id, mouse_id, prediction, created) VALUES";


 * The simple co-occurrence algorithm
class CooccurrenceRecommender extends Recommender {

  // allow $fieldWeight to be NULL
  function __construct($appName, $tableName, $fieldMouse, $fieldCheese, $fieldWeight = NULL, $options = array()) {
    parent::__construct($appName, $tableName, $fieldMouse, $fieldCheese, $fieldWeight, $options);
  function computeSimilarity() {

  // Note: removed the $incremental==update mode [#480300]
  // To see the removed code, go to branch DRUPAL-6--1-1
  protected function computeSimilarityDatabase() {
    watchdog("recommender", "Computing similarity in database. Might take a long time. Please be patient.");
    if ($this->fieldWeight === NULL) {
      $count = "COUNT(*)";

      // if no $fieldWeight is specified, just count the occurrences.
    else {

      // otherwise, use the weight.
      $count = "SUM((n1.{$this->fieldWeight}+n2.{$this->fieldWeight})/2)";
    $sql = "INSERT INTO {recommender_similarity}(app_id, mouse1_id, mouse2_id, similarity, created)\n                SELECT {$this->appId}, n1.{$this->fieldMouse}, n2.{$this->fieldMouse}, {$count}, {$this->created}\n                FROM {{$this->tableName}} n1 INNER JOIN {{$this->tableName}} n2 ON n1.{$this->fieldCheese}=n2.{$this->fieldCheese}\n                GROUP BY n1.{$this->fieldMouse}, n2.{$this->fieldMouse}";


 * Slopeone algorihtm. Doesn't support similarity calculation. Only support making predictions.
class SlopeOneRecommender extends Recommender {
  private $extention;
  protected function initialize() {
    $this->extension = isset($this->options['extension']) ? $this->options['extension'] : 'weighted';

    // could be 'weighted', 'bipolar'
  public function computePrediction() {

  // TODO: this is almost directly copied from 1.x. Needs to make more readable
  protected function computePredictionDatabase() {

    // re-create the local variables from class variables.
    $app_id = $this->appId;
    $table_name = $this->tableName;
    $field_mouse = $this->fieldMouse;
    $field_cheese = $this->fieldCheese;
    $field_weight = $this->fieldWeight;
    $created = $this->created;
    $duplicate = $this->duplicate;
    db_query("DELETE FROM {recommender_slopeone_dev} WHERE app_id=%d", $app_id);

    // create dev(i,j)
    db_query("INSERT INTO {recommender_slopeone_dev}(app_id, cheese1_id, cheese2_id, count, dev)\n              SELECT %d, n1.{$field_cheese}, n2.{$field_cheese},\n              COUNT(*), AVG(n1.{$field_weight}-n2.{$field_weight}) FROM {{$table_name}} n1\n              INNER JOIN {{$table_name}} n2 ON n1.{$field_mouse}=n2.{$field_mouse}\n              AND n1.{$field_cheese} <> n2.{$field_cheese}\n              GROUP BY n1.{$field_cheese}, n2.{$field_cheese}", $app_id);

    // create P(u,j)
    if ($this->extension == 'basic') {
      $extension_sql = "AVG(t.{$field_weight}";
    else {
      if ($this->extension == 'weighted') {

        // the 'weighted slope one'
        $extension_sql = "SUM((t.{$field_weight}*p.count)/SUM(p.count)";

    // haven't implemented the "bipolar" extension of Slope One.
    // generate predictions.
    db_query("INSERT INTO {recommender_prediction}(app_id, mouse_id, cheese_id, prediction, created)\n              SELECT %d, t.{$field_mouse}, p.cheese1_id, {$extension_sql}, %d\n              FROM {recommender_slopeone_dev} p INNER JOIN {{$table_name}} t ON p.cheese2_id=t.{$field_cheese}\n              GROUP BY t.{$field_mouse}, p.cheese1_id", $app_id, $created);

    // remove duplicate prediction
    if ($duplicate == 'remove') {
      db_query("DELETE FROM {recommender_prediction} WHERE app_id=%d AND created=%d AND (mouse_id, cheese_id)\n                IN (SELECT {$field_mouse}, {$field_cheese} FROM {{$table_name}})", $app_id, $created);


 * SVD algorihtm used in the Netflix Prize competition.
class SVDRecommender extends Recommender {




Namesort descending Description
CooccurrenceRecommender The simple co-occurrence algorithm
CorrelationRecommender The recommender implementation for the classical correlation-coefficient based algorithm
Recommender The super class for all other Recommender algorithms.
SlopeOneRecommender Slopeone algorihtm. Doesn't support similarity calculation. Only support making predictions.
SVDRecommender SVD algorihtm used in the Netflix Prize competition.