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MigrateRecipe61Test.php in Recipe 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\recipe\Kernel\Migrate\recipe61;

use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\recipe\Plugin\migrate\source\recipe61\Recipe61;

 * @covers \Drupal\recipe\Plugin\migrate\source\recipe61\Recipe61
 * @group recipe
class MigrateRecipe61Test extends MigrateRecipe61TestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {
      ->installSchema('node', [

   * Asserts various aspects of a recipe.
   * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node
   *   The imported recipe node.
   * @param \stdClass $recipe
   *   A stdClass object with the following properties:
   *   - $recipe->description: A short description of the recipe.
   *   - $recipe->ingredients: An array of ingredients for the recipe.
   *   - $recipe->instructions: Instructions on how to prepare the recipe.
   *   - $recipe->notes: Other notes about this recipe.
   *   - $recipe->preptime: The preparation time in minutes.
   *   - $recipe->source: Who deserves credit for this recipe.
   *   - $recipe->yield: A measure of how much this recipe will produce.
   *   - $recipe->yield_unit: The unit that $yield is expressed in.
  protected function assertRecipeFields(NodeInterface $node, \stdClass $recipe) {
      ->assertSame($recipe->instructions, $node->recipe_instructions->value);
      ->assertSame($recipe->notes, $node->recipe_notes->value);
      ->assertEquals($recipe->preptime, $node->recipe_prep_time->value);
      ->assertSame($recipe->source, $node->recipe_source->value);
      ->assertEquals($recipe->yield, $node->recipe_yield_amount->value);
      ->assertSame($recipe->yield_unit, $node->recipe_yield_unit->value);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($recipe->ingredients); $i++) {
        ->assertEquals($recipe->ingredients[$i]->quantity, $node->recipe_ingredient[$i]->quantity);
        ->assertEquals($recipe->ingredients[$i]->unit_key, $node->recipe_ingredient[$i]->unit_key);
        ->assertEquals($recipe->ingredients[$i]->ingredient_id, $node->recipe_ingredient[$i]->target_id);
        ->assertEquals($recipe->ingredients[$i]->note, $node->recipe_ingredient[$i]->note);

   * Tests the Drupal 6 recipe to Drupal 8 migration.
  public function testRecipeFields() {
    $database_connection = Database::getConnection('default', 'migrate');
    $recipes = $database_connection
      ->select('recipe', 'r')
    foreach ($recipes as &$source) {

      // Get a list of ingredient IDs from the old database.
      $query = $database_connection
        ->select('recipe_node_ingredient', 'i');
        ->leftJoin('recipe_unit', 'ru', 'i.unit_id =');
        ->fields('i', [
        ->fields('ru', [
        ->condition('i.nid', $source->nid);
      $results = $query
      $source->ingredients = $this
    $node = Node::load(1);
      ->assertRecipeFields($node, array_shift($recipes));

    // Verify the fields of an English-language recipe.
    $node = Node::load(2);
      ->assertRecipeFields($node, array_shift($recipes));
      ->hasTranslation('is'), 'Node 2 has an Islandic translation');

    // Verify the fields of a Islandic-language recipe that was translated from
    // node 2.
    $translation = $node
      ->assertRecipeFields($translation, array_shift($recipes));

   * Translates D6 unit names to D7 unit_keys.
   * @param array $ingredients
   *   A array of ingredient metadata from the D6 database.
   * @return array
   *   The results array with a unit_key item to each ingredient.
  protected function addUnitKeys(array $ingredients) {
    foreach ($ingredients as $key => $ingredient) {
      $ingredient->name = strtolower($ingredient->name);
      $ingredients[$key]->unit_key = isset(Recipe61::CHANGED_UNITS[$ingredient->name]) ? Recipe61::CHANGED_UNITS[$ingredient->name] : $ingredient->name;
    return $ingredients;
