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RecipeNodeTest.php in Recipe 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\recipe\Functional;

use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\Core\Url;

 * Tests the functionality of the Recipe content type and Recipe blocks.
 * @group recipe
class RecipeNodeTest extends RecipeTestBase {

   * Creates a recipe node using the node form and tests the display.
  public function testRecipeContent() {

    // Generate values for our test node.
    $title = $this
    $description = $this
    $yield_amount = 5;
    $yield_unit = $this
    $source = '';
    $notes = $this
    $instructions = $this
    $preptime = 60;
    $cooktime = 135;

    // Ingredient with quantity == 1 and unit tablespoon with note.
    $ing_0_quantity = 1;
    $ing_0_unit = 'tablespoon';
    $ing_0_name = $this
    $ing_0_note = $this
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => $title,
      'recipe_description[0][value]' => $description,
      'recipe_yield_amount[0][value]' => $yield_amount,
      'recipe_yield_unit[0][value]' => $yield_unit,
      'recipe_source[0][value]' => $source,
      'recipe_notes[0][value]' => $notes,
      'recipe_instructions[0][value]' => $instructions,
      'recipe_prep_time[0][value]' => $preptime,
      'recipe_cook_time[0][value]' => $cooktime,
      'recipe_ingredient[0][quantity]' => $ing_0_quantity,
      'recipe_ingredient[0][unit_key]' => $ing_0_unit,
      'recipe_ingredient[0][target_id]' => $ing_0_name,
      'recipe_ingredient[0][note]' => $ing_0_note,

    // Post the values to the node form.
      ->drupalPostForm('node/add/recipe', $edit, 'Save');
      ->pageTextContains(new FormattableMarkup('Recipe @title has been created.', [
      '@title' => $title,

    // Check the page for the recipe content.
      ->pageTextContains(new FormattableMarkup('@amount @unit', [
      '@amount' => $yield_amount,
      '@unit' => $yield_unit,
      ->responseContains('<a href=""></a>');
      ->pageTextContains('1 hour');
      ->pageTextContains('2 hours, 15 minutes');
      ->pageTextContains('3 hours, 15 minutes');
      ->pageTextContains('1 T');
      ->pageTextContains(new FormattableMarkup('@name (@note)', [
      '@name' => $ing_0_name,
      '@note' => $ing_0_note,

    // Check the page HTML for the recipe RDF properties.
    $properties = [
    foreach ($properties as $property) {

    // Check the page HTML for the ISO 8601 recipe durations.
    $durations = [
      'prep_time' => 'PT1H',
      'cook_time' => 'PT2H15M',
      'total_time' => 'PT3H15M',
    foreach ($durations as $duration) {

    // Check for the breadcrumb.
    $expected_breadcrumb = [];
    $expected_breadcrumb[] = Url::fromRoute('<front>')
    $expected_breadcrumb[] = Url::fromRoute('recipe.landing_page')

    // Fetch links in the current breadcrumb.
    $links = $this
    $got_breadcrumb = [];
    foreach ($links as $link) {
      $got_breadcrumb[] = (string) $link

    // Compare expected and got breadcrumbs.
      ->assertSame($expected_breadcrumb, $got_breadcrumb, 'The breadcrumb is correctly displayed on the page.');

   * Tests the visibility of the Recipe pseudo-fields.
  public function testPseudoFields() {

    // Create a node with values in all of the pseudo-field sub-fields.
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => $this
      'recipe_yield_amount[0][value]' => 1,
      'recipe_yield_unit[0][value]' => $this
      'recipe_prep_time[0][value]' => 1,
      'recipe_cook_time[0][value]' => 1,
      ->drupalPostForm('node/add/recipe', $edit, 'Save');

    // Verify that the pseudo-fields are shown on the node view.
      ->pageTextContains('Total time');

    // Create a node with no value in the yield_amount and a value in only one
    // time field.
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => $this
      'recipe_yield_unit[0][value]' => $this
      'recipe_cook_time[0][value]' => 1,
      ->drupalPostForm('node/add/recipe', $edit, 'Save');

    // Verify that the pseudo-fields are not shown on the node view.
      ->pageTextNotContains('Total time');

    // Create a node with no values in time fields.
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => $this
      ->drupalPostForm('node/add/recipe', $edit, 'Save');

    // Verify that the pseudo-fields are not shown on the node view.
      ->pageTextNotContains('Total time');

    // Hide the pseudo-fields.  Verify that they can't be found on the first
    // node that we created, on which it was already verified that they
    // appeared.

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDisplayRepository $repository */
    $repository = \Drupal::service('entity_display.repository');
      ->getViewDisplay('node', 'recipe', 'default')
      ->pageTextNotContains('Total time');



Namesort descending Description
RecipeNodeTest Tests the functionality of the Recipe content type and Recipe blocks.