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recipe_test.module in Recipe 7

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  1. 7.2 tests/recipe_test.module

A dummy module for testing recipe related hooks.

This is a dummy module that implements recipe related hooks to test API interaction with the Recipe module.


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 * @file
 * A dummy module for testing recipe related hooks.
 * This is a dummy module that implements recipe related hooks to test API
 * interaction with the Recipe module.

 * Implements hook_recipe_ing_units_alter().
 * @param array $units
 *   The default unit data from the Recipe module.
function recipe_test_recipe_ing_units_alter(&$units) {
  $units['test_unit'] = array(
    'name' => t('Test unit'),
    'plural' => t('Test units'),
    'abbreviation' => '',
    'system' => 'common',
    'type' => t('indefinite'),
    'aliases' => array(),


Namesort descending Description
recipe_test_recipe_ing_units_alter Implements hook_recipe_ing_units_alter().