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public function RecipeNodeTest::testRecipeMultipleExport in Recipe 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 src/Tests/RecipeNodeTest.php \Drupal\recipe\Tests\RecipeNodeTest::testRecipeMultipleExport()

Tests exporting recipes with the multiple export page.


src/Tests/RecipeNodeTest.php, line 299


Tests the functionality of the Recipe content type and Recipe blocks.




public function testRecipeMultipleExport() {

  // Create two recipe nodes.
  $node_title_1 = $this
  $source_1 = $this
  $yield_1 = 10;
  $yield_unit_1 = $this
  $description_1 = $this
  $instructions_1 = $this
  $notes_1 = $this
  $preptime_1 = 30;
  $cooktime_1 = 90;
  $quantity_1 = 2;
  $unit_key_1 = 'cup';
  $ingredient_name_1 = $this
  $ingredient_note_1 = $this
  $edit = array(
    'type' => 'recipe',
    'title' => $node_title_1,
    'recipe_source' => $source_1,
    'recipe_yield' => $yield_1,
    'recipe_yield_unit' => $yield_unit_1,
    'recipe_description' => array(
      'value' => $description_1,
    'recipe_instructions' => array(
      'value' => $instructions_1,
    'recipe_notes' => array(
      'value' => $notes_1,
    'recipe_preptime' => $preptime_1,
    'recipe_cooktime' => $cooktime_1,
    'recipe_ingredients' => array(
      'ing' => array(
        0 => array(
          'quantity' => $quantity_1,
          'unit_key' => $unit_key_1,
          'name' => $ingredient_name_1,
          'note' => $ingredient_note_1,
          'weight' => 0,
  $node_title_2 = $this
  $source_2 = $this
  $yield_2 = 10;
  $yield_unit_2 = $this
  $description_2 = $this
  $instructions_2 = $this
  $notes_2 = $this
  $preptime_2 = 15;
  $cooktime_2 = 45;
  $quantity_2 = 2;
  $unit_key_2 = 'cup';
  $ingredient_name_2 = $this
  $ingredient_note_2 = $this
  $edit = array(
    'type' => 'recipe',
    'title' => $node_title_2,
    'recipe_source' => $source_2,
    'recipe_yield' => $yield_2,
    'recipe_yield_unit' => $yield_unit_2,
    'recipe_description' => array(
      'value' => $description_2,
    'recipe_instructions' => array(
      'value' => $instructions_2,
    'recipe_notes' => array(
      'value' => $notes_2,
    'recipe_preptime' => $preptime_2,
    'recipe_cooktime' => $cooktime_2,
    'recipe_ingredients' => array(
      'ing' => array(
        0 => array(
          'quantity' => $quantity_2,
          'unit_key' => $unit_key_2,
          'name' => $ingredient_name_2,
          'note' => $ingredient_note_2,
          'weight' => 0,

  // Check for links to all the export formats on the bulk export page.
    ->assertLink('Plain Text');

  // Check for the recipe data on the MasterCook4 bulk export page.

  // The MasterCook4 format does not output the description.
    ->assertRaw(format_string('Serving Size  : @yield', array(
    '@yield' => $yield_1,
  )), 'Found the recipe yield.');

  // The MasterCook4 format does not output the yield unit.
    ->assertRaw(format_string('Recipe By     : @source', array(
    '@source' => $source_1,
  )), 'Found the recipe source.');
    ->assertRaw($notes_1, 'Found the recipe notes.');
    ->assertRaw($instructions_1, 'Found the recipe instructions');
  $hours = (int) ($preptime_1 / 60);
  $minutes = $preptime_1 % 60;
  $mastercook_time = $hours . ':' . $minutes;
    ->assertRaw(format_string('Preparation Time :@time', array(
    '@time' => $mastercook_time,
  )), 'Found the recipe prep time.' . $mastercook_time);

  // The MasterCook4 format does not output the cook time.
  // The MasterCook4 format does not output the total time.
    ->assertRaw(format_string('@quantity  @unit             @name -- @note', array(
    '@quantity' => $quantity_1,
    '@unit' => $this->unitList[$unit_key_1]['abbreviation'],
    '@name' => $ingredient_name_1,
    '@note' => $ingredient_note_1,
  )), 'Found ingredient 0.');

  // The MasterCook4 format does not output the description.
    ->assertRaw(format_string('Serving Size  : @yield', array(
    '@yield' => $yield_2,
  )), 'Found the recipe yield.');

  // The MasterCook4 format does not output the yield unit.
    ->assertRaw(format_string('Recipe By     : @source', array(
    '@source' => $source_2,
  )), 'Found the recipe source.');
    ->assertRaw($notes_2, 'Found the recipe notes.');
    ->assertRaw($instructions_2, 'Found the recipe instructions');
  $hours = (int) ($preptime_2 / 60);
  $minutes = $preptime_2 % 60;
  $mastercook_time = $hours . ':' . $minutes;
    ->assertRaw(format_string('Preparation Time :@time', array(
    '@time' => $mastercook_time,
  )), 'Found the recipe prep time.' . $mastercook_time);

  // The MasterCook4 format does not output the cook time.
  // The MasterCook4 format does not output the total time.
    ->assertRaw(format_string('@quantity  @unit             @name -- @note', array(
    '@quantity' => $quantity_2,
    '@unit' => $this->unitList[$unit_key_2]['abbreviation'],
    '@name' => $ingredient_name_2,
    '@note' => $ingredient_note_2,
  )), 'Found ingredient 0.');

  // Check for the recipe data on the plain text export page.
    ->assertRaw($description_1, 'Found the recipe description.');

  // The plain text format does not output the yield.
  // The plain text format does not output the yield unit.
  // The plain text format does not output the source.
    ->assertRaw($notes_1, 'Found the recipe notes.');
    ->assertRaw($instructions_1, 'Found the recipe instructions');

  // The plain text format does not output the prep time.
  // The plain text format does not output the cook time.
  // The plain text format does not output the total time.
    ->assertRaw(format_string('@quantity @unit @name (@note)', array(
    '@quantity' => $quantity_1,
    '@unit' => $this->unitList[$unit_key_1]['abbreviation'],
    '@name' => $ingredient_name_1,
    '@note' => $ingredient_note_1,
  )), 'Found ingredient 0.');
    ->assertRaw($description_2, 'Found the recipe description.');

  // The plain text format does not output the yield.
  // The plain text format does not output the yield unit.
  // The plain text format does not output the source.
    ->assertRaw($notes_2, 'Found the recipe notes.');
    ->assertRaw($instructions_2, 'Found the recipe instructions');

  // The plain text format does not output the prep time.
  // The plain text format does not output the cook time.
  // The plain text format does not output the total time.
    ->assertRaw(format_string('@quantity @unit @name (@note)', array(
    '@quantity' => $quantity_2,
    '@unit' => $this->unitList[$unit_key_2]['abbreviation'],
    '@name' => $ingredient_name_2,
    '@note' => $ingredient_note_2,
  )), 'Found ingredient 0.');

  // Check for the recipe data on the recipeML export page.
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<description>@description</description>', array(
    '@description' => $description_1,
  )), 'Found the recipe description.');
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<yield><qty>@yield</qty><unit>@yield_unit</unit></yield>', array(
    '@yield' => $yield_1,
    '@yield_unit' => $yield_unit_1,
  )), 'Found the recipe yield and yield unit.');
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<source>@source</source>', array(
    '@source' => $source_1,
  )), 'Found the recipe source.');
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<note>@notes</note>', array(
    '@notes' => $notes_1,
  )), 'Found the recipe notes.');
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<directions>@instructions</directions>', array(
    '@instructions' => $instructions_1,
  )), 'Found the recipe instructions');
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<preptime type="cooking"><time><qty>@preptime</qty><timeunit>minutes</timeunit></time></preptime>', array(
    '@preptime' => $preptime_1,
  )), 'Found the recipe prep time.');

  // The recipeML format does not output the cook time.
  // The recipeML format does not output the total time.
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<ing><amt><qty>@quantity</qty><unit>@unit</unit></amt><item>@name</item><prep>@note</prep></ing>', array(
    '@quantity' => $quantity_1,
    '@unit' => $this->unitList[$unit_key_1]['abbreviation'],
    '@name' => $ingredient_name_1,
    '@note' => $ingredient_note_1,
  )), 'Found ingredient 0.');
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<description>@description</description>', array(
    '@description' => $description_2,
  )), 'Found the recipe description.');
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<yield><qty>@yield</qty><unit>@yield_unit</unit></yield>', array(
    '@yield' => $yield_2,
    '@yield_unit' => $yield_unit_2,
  )), 'Found the recipe yield and yield unit.');
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<source>@source</source>', array(
    '@source' => $source_2,
  )), 'Found the recipe source.');
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<note>@notes</note>', array(
    '@notes' => $notes_2,
  )), 'Found the recipe notes.');
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<directions>@instructions</directions>', array(
    '@instructions' => $instructions_2,
  )), 'Found the recipe instructions');
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<preptime type="cooking"><time><qty>@preptime</qty><timeunit>minutes</timeunit></time></preptime>', array(
    '@preptime' => $preptime_2,
  )), 'Found the recipe prep time.');

  // The recipeML format does not output the cook time.
  // The recipeML format does not output the total time.
    ->assertRaw(format_string('<ing><amt><qty>@quantity</qty><unit>@unit</unit></amt><item>@name</item><prep>@note</prep></ing>', array(
    '@quantity' => $quantity_2,
    '@unit' => $this->unitList[$unit_key_2]['abbreviation'],
    '@name' => $ingredient_name_2,
    '@note' => $ingredient_note_2,
  )), 'Found ingredient 0.');