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public function RecipeImportFormsTest::testMasterCook4SingleImport in Recipe 7

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  1. 7.2 src/Tests/RecipeImportFormsTest.php \Drupal\recipe\Tests\RecipeImportFormsTest::testMasterCook4SingleImport()

Test import a recipe in MasterCook4 format with the single import form.


src/Tests/RecipeImportFormsTest.php, line 80


Tests the single and multiple recipe import forms.




public function testMasterCook4SingleImport() {

  // Enter a recipe into the import form and preview it.
  $edit = array(
    'recipe_format' => 'recipe_mastercook4_import_single',
    'recipe_import_text' => '* Exported from MasterCook *

                     Salt water

Recipe By     : John Doe
Serving Size  : 1    Preparation Time : 0:05
Categories    :
  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
       2          cups  water -- cold
       1    tablespoon  salt

Combine water and salt in a glass.


                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NOTES : Do not consume!',
    ->drupalPost('node/add/recipe/import', $edit, 'Preview');
    ->assertText('Salt water');
    ->assertText('2 c', 'Found ingredent 0 quantity and unit.');
    ->assertText('water (cold)', 'Found ingredient 0 name and note.');
    ->assertText('1 T', 'Found ingredient 1 quantity and unit.');
    ->assertText('salt', 'Found ingredient 1 name.');
    ->assertText('Combine water and salt in a glass.

Stir.', 'Found recipe instructions.');
    ->assertText('Do not consume!', 'Found recipe notes.');

  // Import the recipe into a node.
    ->drupalPost('node/add/recipe/import', $edit, 'Import');
    ->assertText('Salt water');
    ->assertText('2 c', 'Found ingredent 0 quantity and unit.');
    ->assertText('water (cold)', 'Found ingredient 0 name and note.');
    ->assertText('1 T', 'Found ingredient 1 quantity and unit.');
    ->assertText('salt', 'Found ingredient 1 name.');
    ->assertText('Combine water and salt in a glass.', 'Found the first instruction.');
    ->assertText('Stir.', 'Found the second instruction.');
    ->assertText('Do not consume!', 'Found the recipe notes.');