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namespace Drupal\recipe\Tests in Recipe 7.2

Same name in other branches
  1. 7 Drupal\recipe\Tests
Classsort descending Location Description
IngredientSettingsTest src/Tests/IngredientSettingsTest.php Tests the functionality of the ingredient field settings.
RecipeImportFormsTest src/Tests/RecipeImportFormsTest.php Tests the single and multiple recipe import forms.
RecipeLandingPageTest src/Tests/RecipeLandingPageTest.php Tests the Recipe module landing page at /recipe.
RecipeNodeAccessTest src/Tests/RecipeNodeAccessTest.php Tests display of nodes in recipe lists for node access.
RecipeNodeTest src/Tests/RecipeNodeTest.php Tests the functionality of the Recipe content type and Recipe blocks.
RecipeUnitTest src/Tests/RecipeUnitTest.php Tests isolated Recipe module functions.
RecipeUpdatePath src/Tests/RecipeUpdatePath.php Tests the update path for Recipe 7.x-1.3 to 7.x-2.x.
RecipeWebTestBase src/Tests/RecipeWebTestBase.php Provides a base class for testing the functionality of the Recipe module.
RecipeYieldFormTest src/Tests/RecipeYieldFormTest.php Tests the custom yield form in a recipe node.