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IngredientFieldTest.php in Recipe 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\ingredient\Functional;

use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;

 * Tests the functionality of the ingredient field.
 * @group recipe
class IngredientFieldTest extends BrowserTestBase {
  use IngredientTestTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * A test user with administrative privileges.
   * @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
  protected $adminUser;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {

    // Create a new content type for testing.

    // Create and log in the admin user.
    $permissions = [
      'create test_bundle content',
      'access content',
      'administer node fields',
      'administer node display',
      'add ingredient',
      'view ingredient',
      'administer site configuration',
    $this->adminUser = $this

   * Tests adding data with the ingredient field.
  public function testIngredientField() {
    $display_settings = [
      'fraction_format' => '{%d }%d/%d',
      ->createIngredientField([], [], [], $display_settings);
    $test_ingredients = [];

    // Ingredient with quantity == 1 and unit tablespoon with note.
    $test_ingredients[] = [
      'quantity' => 1,
      'unit_key' => 'tablespoon',
      'name' => $this
      'note' => $this

    // Ingredient with quantity > 1 and unit tablespoon with note.
    $test_ingredients[] = [
      'quantity' => 2,
      'unit_key' => 'tablespoon',
      'name' => $this
      'note' => $this

    // Ingredient with quantity == 0 and unit tablespoon with note.
    $test_ingredients[] = [
      'quantity' => 0,
      'unit_key' => 'tablespoon',
      'name' => $this
      'note' => $this

    // Ingredient without note.
    $test_ingredients[] = [
      'quantity' => 1,
      'unit_key' => 'tablespoon',
      'name' => $this
      'note' => '',

    // Ingredient with unit that has no abbreviation.
    $test_ingredients[] = [
      'quantity' => 10,
      'unit_key' => 'unit',
      'name' => $this
      'note' => $this

    // Ingredient with fractional quantity and unit tablespoon.
    $test_ingredients[] = [
      'quantity' => '1/4',
      'unit_key' => 'tablespoon',
      'name' => $this
      'note' => '',

    // Ingredient with mixed fractional quantity and unit tablespoon.
    $test_ingredients[] = [
      'quantity' => '2 2/3',
      'unit_key' => 'tablespoon',
      'name' => $this
      'note' => '',
    foreach ($test_ingredients as $ingredient) {

      // Create a new test_bundle node with the ingredient field values.
      $title = $this
      $edit = [
        'title[0][value]' => $title,
        'field_ingredient[0][quantity]' => $ingredient['quantity'],
        'field_ingredient[0][unit_key]' => $ingredient['unit_key'],
        'field_ingredient[0][target_id]' => $ingredient['name'],
        'field_ingredient[0][note]' => $ingredient['note'],
        ->drupalPostForm('node/add/test_bundle', $edit, 'Save');

      // Check for the node title to verify redirection to the node view.

      // Check for the presence or absence of the ingredient quantity and unit
      // abbreviation.
      if ($ingredient['quantity'] === 0) {

        // Ingredients with quantities === 0 should not display the quantity,
        // but for some reason the units are still displayed.  This has been the
        // module behavior for a very long time.  It's a weird behavior, but
        // it's probably not a good idea to change it unless people actually
        // complain about it.
          ->responseContains(new FormattableMarkup('<span class="quantity-unit">&nbsp; <abbr title="Tablespoon">T</abbr>', []));
      elseif ($ingredient['unit_key'] == 'unit') {
          ->responseContains(new FormattableMarkup('<span class="quantity-unit">@quantity</span>', [
          '@quantity' => $ingredient['quantity'],
      else {
          ->pageTextContains(new FormattableMarkup('@quantity T', [
          '@quantity' => $ingredient['quantity'],

      // Check for the ingredient name and the presence or absence of the note.
      if ($ingredient['note'] === '') {
          ->pageTextContains(new FormattableMarkup('@name', [
          '@name' => $ingredient['name'],
          ->pageTextNotContains(new FormattableMarkup('@name (@note)', [
          '@name' => $ingredient['name'],
          '@note' => $ingredient['note'],
      else {
          ->pageTextContains(new FormattableMarkup('@name (@note)', [
          '@name' => $ingredient['name'],
          '@note' => $ingredient['note'],

   * Tests ingredient field settings.
  public function testIngredientFieldSettings() {

    // Create an ingredient field on the test_bundle node type.
    $field_settings = [
      'unit_sets' => [
      'default_unit' => '',
      ->createIngredientField([], $field_settings);

    // Visit the field settings page and verify that the settings are selected.
    $option_field = $this
      ->optionExists('edit-settings-default-unit', '');
      ->hasAttribute('selected'), 'The blank default unit was selected.');

    // Visit the node edit page and verify that we can find units from each of
    // the enabled sets and that the select element shows the empty option by
    // default.
      ->getText(), 'cup (c)', 'Found an option from the U.S. customary unit set.');
      ->getText(), 'milliliter (ml)', 'Found an option from the SI/Metric unit set.');
      ->getText(), 'tablespoon (T)', 'Found an option from the Common unit set.');
    $option_field = $this
      ->optionExists('edit-field-ingredient-0-unit-key', '');
      ->hasAttribute('selected'), 'The empty unit option was selected.');

    // Update the field settings and disable the SI/Metric unit set.  Then
    // verify that its unit cannot be found on the node edit page.  Also verify
    // that the default unit is selected.
    $field_settings = [
      'unit_sets' => [
      'default_unit' => 'cup',
      ->getText(), 'cup (c)', 'Found an option from the U.S. customary unit set.');
      ->xpath("//option[@value='milliliter']"), 'Did not find an option from the SI/Metric unit set.');
      ->getText(), 'tablespoon (T)', 'Found an option from the Common unit set.');
    $option_field = $this
      ->optionExists('edit-field-ingredient-0-unit-key', 'cup');
      ->hasAttribute('selected'), 'The default unit was selected.');

    // Update the field settings and disable all unit sets to verify that all
    // units will then appear in the edit form by default.
    $field_settings = [
      'unit_sets' => [],
      'default_unit' => '',
      ->getText(), 'cup (c)', 'Found an option from the U.S. customary unit set.');
      ->getText(), 'milliliter (ml)', 'Found an option from the SI/Metric unit set.');
      ->getText(), 'tablespoon (T)', 'Found an option from the Common unit set.');

   * Tests ingredient field formatter settings.
   * @todo Add assertions for singular/plural unit full names.
  public function testIngredientFormatterSettings() {

    // Verify that the ingredient entity link display is turned off by default.
      ->pageTextContains('Link to ingredient: No');
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => $this
      'field_ingredient[0][quantity]' => 4,
      'field_ingredient[0][unit_key]' => 'tablespoon',
      'field_ingredient[0][target_id]' => 'test ingredient',
      'field_ingredient[0][note]' => '',

    // Post the values to the node form.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');

    // Verify that the ingredient name is not linked to its entity.
      ->pageTextContains('4 T');
      ->pageTextContains('test ingredient');
      ->linkNotExists('test ingredient', 'Ingredient entity link is not displayed.');

    // Turn ingredient entity link display on.
      ->updateIngredientField([], [], [
      'link' => TRUE,
      'unit_display' => 1,

    // Verify that the ingredient entity link display is turned on.
      ->pageTextContains('Link to ingredient: Yes');

    // Verify that the ingredient name is linked to its entity.
      ->pageTextContains('4 tablespoons');
      ->pageTextContains('test ingredient');
      ->linkExists('test ingredient', 0);



Namesort descending Description
IngredientFieldTest Tests the functionality of the ingredient field.