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public function RealnameBasicTest::testRealnameConfiguration in Real Name 7

Test realname configuration.


tests/realname.test, line 49
Test file for Realname module.


Test basic functionality of Realname module.


public function testRealnameConfiguration() {

  // Check if Configure link is available on 'Modules' page.
  // Requires 'administer modules' permission.
    ->assertRaw('admin/config/people/realname', '[testRealnameConfiguration]: Configure link from Modules page to Realname settings page exists.');

  // Check for setting page's presence.
    ->assertRaw(t('Realname pattern'), '[testRealnameConfiguration]: Settings page displayed.');

  // Save form with allowed token.
  $edit['realname_pattern'] = '[user:name-raw]';
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/people/realname', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
    ->assertRaw(t('The configuration options have been saved.'), '[testRealnameConfiguration]: Settings form has been saved.');

  // Check if Configure link is available on 'Status Reports' page.
  // Requires 'administer site configuration' permission.
    ->assertRaw(t('E-mail: "Welcome (new user created by administrator)" template'), '[testRealnameConfiguration]: "Welcome (new user created by administrator)" template warning shown.');
    ->assertRaw(t('E-mail: "Welcome (no approval required)" template'), '[testRealnameConfiguration]: "Welcome (no approval required)" template warning shown.');
    ->assertRaw(t('E-mail: "Account activation" template'), '[testRealnameConfiguration]: "Account activation" template warning shown.');

  // Save form with allowed token.
  $edit['realname_pattern'] = '[user:name-raw]';
  $edit['realname_suppress_user_name_mail_validation'] = TRUE;
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/people/realname', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
    ->assertRaw(t('The configuration options have been saved.'), '[testRealnameConfiguration]: Settings form has been saved.');

  // Test suppress missing token warning in e-mail templates.
    ->assertNoRaw(t('E-mail: "Welcome (new user created by administrator)" template'), '[testRealnameConfiguration]: "Welcome (new user created by administrator)" template warning shown.');
    ->assertNoRaw(t('E-mail: "Welcome (no approval required)" template'), '[testRealnameConfiguration]: "Welcome (no approval required)" template warning shown.');
    ->assertNoRaw(t('E-mail: "Account activation" template'), '[testRealnameConfiguration]: "Account activation" template warning shown.');

  // Check token recursion protection.
  $edit['realname_pattern'] = '[user:name]';
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/people/realname', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
    ->assertRaw(t('The %token token cannot be used as it will cause recursion.', array(
    '%token' => '[user:name]',
  )), '[testRealnameConfiguration]: Invalid token found.');