realname.module in Real Name 8
Same filename and directory in other branches
Provides token-based name displays for users.
@todo Add a 'view realname' permission enabled by default @todo Allow users to login with their real name @todo Disable the username field
realname.moduleView source
* @file
* Provides token-based name displays for users.
* @todo Add a 'view realname' permission enabled by default
* @todo Allow users to login with their real name
* @todo Disable the username field
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\user\Entity\User;
* @defgroup realname Real name API
* Implements hook_help().
function realname_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
switch ($route_name) {
// Main module help for the Realname module.
case 'realname.admin_settings_form':
case '':
return '<p>' . t("A Real Name is what the site developer decides that users' names should look like. It is constructed from various tokens that are available within the site.") . '</p>';
* Implements hook_entity_extra_field_info().
function realname_entity_extra_field_info() {
$fields['user']['user']['display']['realname'] = [
'label' => t('Real name'),
'description' => t('Real name'),
'weight' => -1,
'visible' => FALSE,
return $fields;
* Implements hook_user_format_name_alter().
function realname_user_format_name_alter(&$name, AccountInterface $account) {
static $in_username_alter = FALSE;
$uid = $account
// Don't alter anonymous users or objects that do not have any user ID.
if (empty($uid)) {
// Real name was loaded/generated via hook_user_load(), so re-use it.
if (isset($account->realname)) {
if (mb_strlen($account->realname)) {
// Only if the real name is a non-empty string is $name actually altered.
$name = $account->realname;
// Real name was not yet available for the account so we need to generate it.
// Because tokens may call format_username() we need to prevent recursion.
if (!$in_username_alter) {
$in_username_alter = TRUE;
// If $account->realname was undefined, then the user account object was
// not properly loaded. We must enforce calling user_load().
if ($realname_account = User::load($uid)) {
realname_user_format_name_alter($name, $realname_account);
$in_username_alter = FALSE;
* Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_load().
function realname_user_load(array $accounts) {
$realnames = realname_load_multiple($accounts);
foreach ($realnames as $uid => $realname) {
$accounts[$uid]->realname = $realname;
* Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update().
function realname_user_update(EntityInterface $account) {
// Since user data may have changed, update the realname and its cache.
$realnames =& drupal_static('realname_load_multiple', []);
->id()] = realname_update($account);
* Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete().
function realname_user_delete(EntityInterface $account) {
* Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view() for user entities.
function realname_user_view(array &$build, EntityInterface $account, EntityViewDisplayInterface $display, $view_mode) {
if ($display
->getComponent('realname')) {
if ($account
->access('view')) {
$url = Url::fromRoute('entity.user.canonical', [
'user' => $account
$markup = Link::fromTextAndUrl($account->realname, $url)
else {
$markup = Html::escape($account->realname);
$build['realname'] = [
'#theme' => 'field',
'#title' => t('Real name'),
'#label_display' => 'inline',
'#view_mode' => '_custom',
'#field_name' => 'realname',
'#field_type' => 'text',
'#field_translatable' => FALSE,
'#entity_type' => 'custom',
'#bundle' => 'custom',
'#object' => $account,
'#items' => [
'#is_multiple' => FALSE,
0 => [
'#markup' => $markup,
* @addtogroup realname
* @{
* Loads a real name.
* @param Drupal\user\Entity\User $account
* A user account object.
* @return mixed
* The user's generated real name.
function realname_load(User $account) {
$realnames = realname_load_multiple([
->id() => $account,
return reset($realnames);
* Loads multiple real names.
* @param array $accounts
* An array of user account objects keyed by user ID.
* @return array
* An array of real names keyed by user ID.
function realname_load_multiple(array $accounts) {
$realnames =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, []);
if ($new_accounts = array_diff_key($accounts, $realnames)) {
// Attempt to fetch realnames from the database first.
$realnames += \Drupal::database()
->query("SELECT uid, realname FROM {realname} WHERE uid IN (:uids[])", [
':uids[]' => array_keys($new_accounts),
// For each account that was not present in the database, generate its
// real name.
foreach ($new_accounts as $uid => $account) {
if (!isset($realnames[$uid])) {
$realnames[$uid] = realname_update($account);
return array_intersect_key($realnames, $accounts);
* Update the realname for a user account.
* @param Drupal\user\Entity\User $account
* A user account object.
* @return string
* A string with the real name.
* @see hook_realname_pattern_alter()
* @see hook_realname_alter()
* @see hook_realname_update()
function realname_update(User $account) {
$realname = '';
if (!$account
->isAnonymous()) {
// Get the default pattern and allow other modules to alter it.
$config = \Drupal::config('realname.settings');
$pattern = $config
->alter('realname_pattern', $pattern, $account);
// Perform token replacement on the real name pattern.
$realname = \Drupal::token()
->replace($pattern, [
'user' => $account,
], [
'clear' => TRUE,
'sanitize' => FALSE,
// Remove any HTML tags.
$realname = strip_tags(Html::decodeEntities($realname));
// Remove double spaces (if a token had no value).
$realname = preg_replace('/ {2,}/', ' ', $realname);
// Allow other modules to alter the generated realname.
->alter('realname', $realname, $account);
// The name must be trimmed to 255 characters before inserting into the
// database.
$realname = Unicode::truncate(trim($realname), 255);
else {
// DisplayName cannot generated with tokens for anonymous users.
$realname = $account
// Save to the database and the static cache.
'uid' => $account
'realname' => $realname,
'created' => \Drupal::time()
// Allow modules to react to the realname being updated.
->invokeAll('realname_update', [
// Clear the entity cache.
/** @var \Drupal\user\UserStorageInterface $user_storage */
$user_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
return $realname;
* Delete a real name.
* @param int $uid
* A user ID.
function realname_delete($uid) {
* Delete multiple real names.
* @param array $uids
* An array of user IDs.
function realname_delete_multiple(array $uids) {
->condition('uid', $uids, 'IN')
* Delete all real names.
function realname_delete_all() {
* @} End of "addtogroup realname".
Name![]() |
Description |
realname_delete | Delete a real name. |
realname_delete_all | Delete all real names. |
realname_delete_multiple | Delete multiple real names. |
realname_entity_extra_field_info | Implements hook_entity_extra_field_info(). |
realname_help | Implements hook_help(). |
realname_load | Loads a real name. |
realname_load_multiple | Loads multiple real names. |
realname_update | Update the realname for a user account. |
realname_user_delete | Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_delete(). |
realname_user_format_name_alter | Implements hook_user_format_name_alter(). |
realname_user_load | Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_load(). |
realname_user_update | Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_update(). |
realname_user_view | Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view() for user entities. |