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public function realistic_dummy_content_DatabaseTestCase::testRecipe in Realistic Dummy Content 7


api/tests/realistic_dummy_content_api.db.test, line 177
This file contains the testing code which requires the database. These tests are slower than the unit tests so we want to limit them.


The test case


public function testRecipe() {
    ->assertTrue(module_load_include('inc', 'realistic_dummy_content_api', 'realistic_dummy_content_api.drush'), 'drush file exists');
    ->assertTrue(class_exists('RealisticDummyContentDrushAPILog'), 'The drush log class exists; it is required when running drush generate-realistic or other drush commands');
    ->assertTrue(class_exists('RealisticDummyContentDebugLog'), 'The RealisticDummyContentDebugLog class exists, thereby preventing a fatal error.');
  realistic_dummy_content_api_apply_recipe(new RealisticDummyContentDebugLog());
  $page = node_load(4);
  $article = node_load(14);
    ->assertTrue(isset($page->type) && $page->type == 'page', 'Node 4 is a page, as specified in the recipe.');
    ->assertTrue(isset($article->type) && $article->type == 'article', 'Node 14 is an article, as specified in the recipe.');