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RealisticDummyContentRecipe.php in Realistic Dummy Content 7.2


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namespace Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes;

use Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\Framework\Framework;

 * Abstract base "recipe" class.
 * Recipes are sequential dummy content generators, for example if a system
 * defines "school board" and "school" content types, we might want to generate
 * five dummy school boards followed by 20 dummy schools.
 * Custom modules can extend this class to create their own recipes; an example
 * can be found in this module at
 * ./realistic_dummy_content/recipe/
abstract class RealisticDummyContentRecipe {
  private static $log;

   * Run this recipe.
  public static function run($log) {
    self::$log = $log;
    $objects = self::findObjects();
    foreach ($objects as $object) {
      ->log(t('Realistic dummy content generation operation completed in @time milliseconds', array(
      '@time' => self::stopTime('run'),

   * Find all recipe objects defined by all modules.
  public static function findObjects() {
    $objects = array();

    // We need to cycle through all active modules and look for those
    // which contain a class module_name_realistic_dummy_content_recipe
    // in the file realistic_dummy_content/recipe/
    $modules = Framework::instance()
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
      $candidate = $module . '_realistic_dummy_content_recipe';
      if (self::loadRecipeClass($module) && class_exists($candidate)) {
        $objects[] = new $candidate();
    return $objects;

   * Loads the recipe class file only if it is valid and exists.
   * Version 2.x introduced the requirement that the following line should
   * be added to recipe files:
   *   use
   *   Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes\RealisticDummyContentRecipe;
   * So we will throw an exception warning users of previous versions to add
   * that line to use the 2.x branch of realistic_dummy_content.
   * @param string $module
   *   A module name.
   * @return bool|string
   *   FALSE or the full path to the loaded recipe class file.
   * @throws \Exception
  public static function loadRecipeClass($module) {
    $path = Framework::instance()
      ->getPath('module', $module) . '/realistic_dummy_content/recipe/' . $module . '';
    $fullpath = Framework::instance()
      ->frameworkRoot() . '/' . $path;
    if (!file_exists($fullpath)) {
      return FALSE;
    $contents = file_get_contents($fullpath);
    if (!preg_match('/use Drupal*/s', $contents)) {
      throw new \Exception('As of the 2.x version you need to add the following line to the top of your recipe at ' . $fullpath . ': use Drupal\\realistic_dummy_content_api\\includes\\RealisticDummyContentRecipe');
    return module_load_include('inc', $module, 'realistic_dummy_content/recipe/' . $module . '.recipe');

   * Return a concrete generator class to generate content.
   * @param array $more
   *   Can contain:
   *     kill => TRUE|FALSE.
  public static function getGenerator($type, $bundle, $count, $more) {
    if (in_array($type, array(
    ))) {
      if (Framework::instance()
        ->moduleExists('devel_generate')) {
        return new RealisticDummyContentDevelGenerateGenerator($type, $bundle, $count, $more);
      else {
          ->error(t("Please enable devel's devel_generate module to generate users or nodes."));
    else {
        ->error(t('Entity types other than user and node are not supported for realistic dummy content recipe.'));

   * Create new entities.
  public function newEntities($type, $bundle, $count, $more = array()) {
    if ($generator = self::getGenerator($type, $bundle, $count, $more)) {
    else {
        ->error(t('Could not find a generator for @type @bundle.', array(
        '@type' => $type,
        '@bundle' => $bundle,
    $time = self::stopTime(array(
      ->log(t('@type @bundle: @n created in @time milliseconds', array(
      '@type' => $type,
      '@bundle' => $bundle,
      '@n' => $count,
      '@time' => $time,

   * Log the start time.
  public static function startTime($id) {

   * Get the end time.
  public static function stopTime($id) {
    $timer = Framework::instance()
    return $timer['time'];



Namesort descending Description
RealisticDummyContentRecipe Abstract base "recipe" class.