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RealisticDummyContentDrushCommands.php in Realistic Dummy Content 3.x


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namespace Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\DrushCommands;

use Drush\Commands\DrushCommands;
use Drupal\realistic_dummy_content_api\includes\RealisticDummyContentDrushLog;

 * Drush commands for Realistic Dummy Content and Drush 9+.
class RealisticDummyContentDrushCommands extends DrushCommands {

   * Generates realistic dummy content.
   * Generates realistic dummy content by looking in each active module for a
   * file called realistic_dummy_content/recipe/, which
   * should contain a subclass of RealisticDummyContentRecipe called
   * module_name_realistic_dummy_content_recipe with a run() method.
   * @command realistic_dummy_content_api:generate-realistic
   * @aliases generate-realistic,grc
   * @usage realistic_dummy_content_api:generate-realistic
   *   Generates realistic dummy content by looking in each active module for a
   *   file called realistic_dummy_content/recipe/, which
   *   should contain a subclass of RealisticDummyContentRecipe called
   *   module_name_realistic_dummy_content_recipe with a run() method.
  public function generateRealistic() {
    realistic_dummy_content_api_apply_recipe(new RealisticDummyContentDrushLog());



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RealisticDummyContentDrushCommands Drush commands for Realistic Dummy Content and Drush 9+.