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realistic_dummy_content_api.api.php in Realistic Dummy Content 7.2

Hook definitions for documentation purposes.

These functions are never called, and are included here for documentation purposes only.


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 * @file
 * Hook definitions for documentation purposes.
 * These functions are never called, and are included
 * here for documentation purposes only.

 * Returns a manipulator class name for a given field.
 * @param string $class
 *   A class name to alter.
 * @param array $info
 *   More information which may be required for the manipulator class. This
 *   can contain
 *     [
 *       machine_name => The machine name of a field type.
 *       entity => Drupal entity object,
 *       field_name => the field name
 *     ], which can be required
 *   for example to determine which type of entity reference manipulator
 *   to create.
function hook_realistic_dummy_content_attribute_manipulator_alter(&$class, &$info) {
  $type = isset($info['type']) ? $info['type'] : NULL;
  $machine_name = isset($info['machine_name']) ? $info['machine_name'] : NULL;
  $entity = isset($info['entity']) ? $info['entity'] : NULL;
  $field_name = isset($info['field_name']) ? $info['field_name'] : NULL;

  // If you want to implement a particular manipulator class for a field or
  // property you can do so by implementing this hook and reproducing what's
  // below for your own field or property type.
  switch (Framework::instance()
    ->fieldTypeMachineName($info)) {
    case 'picture':

      // The user picture.
      $class = '\\Drupal\\realistic_dummy_content_api\\includes\\RealisticDummyContentUserPicture';
    case 'text_with_summary':

      // For example the body.
      $class = '\\Drupal\\realistic_dummy_content_api\\includes\\RealisticDummyContentTextWithSummaryField';
    case 'taxonomy_term_reference':

      // For example, tags on articles.
      $class = '\\Drupal\\realistic_dummy_content_api\\includes\\RealisticDummyContentTermReferenceField';
    case 'image':

      // For example, images on articles.
      $class = '\\Drupal\\realistic_dummy_content_api\\includes\\RealisticDummyContentImageField';

 * Get an object which will perform manipulation of dummy content.
 * Return any object which is a subclass of RealisticDummyContentBase, which
 * will be used to modify content which is deemed to be dummy content.
 * @param object $entity
 *   The object for a given type, for example this can be a user object
 *   or a node object.
 * @param string $type
 *   The entity type of the information to change, for example 'user' or 'node'.
 * @param array $filter
 *   (Default is array()).
 *   If set, only certain fields will be considered when manipulating
 *   the object. This can be useful, for example for users, because
 *   two separate manipulations need to be performed, depending on whether
 *   hook_user_insert() or hook_user_presave(). Both hooks need to modify
 *   only certain properties and fields, but taken together the entire
 *   object can be manipulated.
 *   The filter is an associative array which can contain no key (all
 *   fields and properties should be manipulated), the include key (fields
 *   included are the only ones to be manipulated, or the exclude key (all
 *   fields except those included are the ones to be manipulated).
 *   realistic_dummy_content_api_user_insert() defines the array
 *   ('exclude' => array(picture)) whereas
 *   realistic_dummy_content_api_user_presave() defines the array
 *   ('include' => array(picture)). Therefore taken together these two
 *   hooks manipulate the entire user object, but in two phases.
 *   This allows hook implementations to return a different class based on
 *   the type of filter.
 * @return array
 *   Array of objects which are a subclass of RealisticDummyContentBase.
function hook_realistic_dummy_content_api_class($entity, $type, $filter = array()) {
  return array(
    // Insert class names for all classes which can modify entities for the
    // given type. These classes must exist, either through Drupal's
    // autoload system or be included explictely, and they must be
    // subclasses of RealisticDummyContentBase.

 * Check whether an entity is dummy content or not.
 * Return whether or not an object of a given type is a dummy object or not.
 * The motivation for this hook is for cases where you may not be using
 * devel_generate for nodes, or whether you have a specific technique for
 * determining whether or not a given object is dummy content or not.
 * @param object $entity
 *   The object for a given type, for example this can be a user object
 *   or a node object.
 * @param string $type
 *   The type of the information to change, for example 'user' or 'node'.
 * @return bool
 *   Boolean value representing whether or not this object is a dummy object.
 *   FALSE means we were unable to ascertain that the entity is in fact
 *   a dummy object. Other modules which implement this hook might
 *   determine that this is a dummy object.
function hook_realistic_dummy_content_api_dummy($entity, $type) {
  $return = FALSE;
  switch ($type) {
    case 'node':
      if (isset($entity->devel_generate)) {
        return TRUE;
    case 'user':

      // devel_generate puts .invalid at the end of the generated user's
      // email address. This module should not be activated on a production
      // site, or else anyone can put ".invalid" at the end of their email
      // address and their profile's content will be overridden.
      $suffix = '.invalid';
      if (drupal_substr($entity->mail, strlen($entity->mail) - strlen($suffix)) == $suffix) {
        return TRUE;
  return $return;


Namesort descending Description
hook_realistic_dummy_content_api_class Get an object which will perform manipulation of dummy content.
hook_realistic_dummy_content_api_dummy Check whether an entity is dummy content or not.
hook_realistic_dummy_content_attribute_manipulator_alter Returns a manipulator class name for a given field.