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function VocabularyImportTestCase::testImport in RDF Extensions 7.2

Functional test for vocabulary import.

NOTE: This test requires having evoc_test manually enabled. Even when it is enabled in setUp, the parser fails to intialize. It may be that the headers aren't sent properly when accessed within site.


evoc/evoc.test, line 30
Tests Evoc functionality.


@file Tests Evoc functionality.


function testImport() {
  $format = 'rdf_xml';
  $namespaces = array(
    $this->prefix[$format] => $this->vocab_uri[$format],
    'xml' => '',
    'rdf' => '',
    'rdfs' => '',
    'owl' => '',
    'vs' => '',
    'foaf' => '',
    'dc' => '',

  // Test that namespaces have been imported and placed in correct
  // vocabulary graph.
  foreach ($namespaces as $prefix => $namespace) {
    $records = db_query("SELECT uri, prefix, gid FROM {rdfx_namespaces} WHERE uri='{$namespace}' AND prefix='{$prefix}'")
    if (count($records) == 1) {
      $record = $records[0];
        ->assertEqual($record->gid, 1, t("Vocabulary {$record->prefix} is imported as part of correct vocabulary graph."));
    else {
        ->assert(FALSE, t("Vocabulary {$record->prefix} is imported ."));

  // Test that user defined prefix was used, per issue #925520.
  $records = db_query("SELECT uri, prefix, gid FROM {rdfx_namespaces} WHERE prefix='doap'")
    ->assert(count($records) == 0, t('The user defined prefix was used.'));