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8 uses of RATE_COMPACT_DISABLED in Rate 6.2

rate_generate_widget in ./rate.module
Generate a widget.
rate_preprocess_rate_template_emotion in ./rate.module
Preprocess function for the emotion template.
rate_preprocess_rate_template_fivestar in ./rate.module
Preprocess function for the fivestar template.
rate_preprocess_rate_template_thumbs_up in ./rate.module
Preprocess function for the thumbs_up_down template.
rate_preprocess_rate_template_thumbs_up_down in ./rate.module
Preprocess function for the thumbs_up_down template.
rate_preprocess_rate_template_yesno in ./rate.module
Preprocess function for the yesno template.
rate_preprocess_rate_widget in ./rate.module
Preprocess function for the emotion template.
rate_views_widget_compact_disabled in ./rate.module