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protected function RangeInternationalizationWebTestCase::_testRangeFieldInstanceSettingIsTranslatable in Range 7

Verifies that given string with given context is translatable.

This method searches for a string directly in the database instead of using string translation UI, because this test is designed to verify that range module works, not the Drupal core.


string $source: Source string.

string $context: Source string context.

1 call to RangeInternationalizationWebTestCase::_testRangeFieldInstanceSettingIsTranslatable()
RangeInternationalizationWebTestCase::testRangeFieldInstanceSettingsAreTranslatable in tests/range.i18n.test
Verifies that range field instance settings are translatable.


tests/range.i18n.test, line 126
Contains range i18n tests.


Tests translatability of range fields.


protected function _testRangeFieldInstanceSettingIsTranslatable($source, $context) {
  $query = db_select('locales_source', 'ls');
    ->condition('source', $source)
    ->condition('context', $context)
    ->condition('textgroup', 'field');
    ->fetchField(), format_string('Source string %string with context %context exists in locales_source database table', array(
    '%string' => $source,
    '%context' => $context,