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EnergyBelowCutoffTest.php in Radioactivity 4.0.x

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  1. 8.3 tests/src/Unit/EnergyBelowCutoffTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\radioactivity\Unit;

 * Checks that the event "radioactivity_field_cutoff" is correctly defined.
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\radioactivity\Event\EnergyBelowCutoffEvent
 * @group radioactivity
 * @requires module rules
class EnergyBelowCutoffTest extends EventTestBase {

   * Tests the event metadata.
  public function testBundleCreatedEvent() {
    $plugin_definition = $this->eventManager
      ->assertSame('Energy is below the cutoff level', (string) $plugin_definition['label']);
    $event = $this->eventManager
    $entity_context_definition = $event
      ->assertSame('entity', $entity_context_definition
      ->assertSame('Entity', $entity_context_definition



Namesort descending Description
EnergyBelowCutoffTest Checks that the event "radioactivity_field_cutoff" is correctly defined.