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radioactivity_node.test in Radioactivity 6


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class RadioactivityNodeTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Radioactivity Node-plugin tests'),
      'description' => t('Some regression tests for Radioactivity Node plugin.'),
      'group' => t('Radioactivity'),
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('comment', 'radioactivity', 'radioactivity_node');

    // setup a profile
    $profiles = array(
      1 => array(
        'label' => 'profile1',
        'description' => '',
        'half_life' => 21600,
        'cut_off_energy' => 0.5,
        'energy' => array(
          'node' => array(
            'view' => 1,
            'view_auth' => 10,
            'comment_insert' => 100,
            'comment_publish' => 1000,

   * Tests that radioactivity_node nodeapi works as it should, i.e., when we do node load,
   * we don't have, e.g., missing require_onces.
  function testNodeApi_load() {

    // add some default stuff for node id 123
    db_query("INSERT INTO {radioactivity} (id, class, decay_profile, energy, last_emission_timestamp) " . "VALUES (%d, '%s', %d, %f, %d)", 123, 'node', 3, 88.5, 13131313);
    db_query("INSERT INTO {radioactivity} (id, class, decay_profile, energy, last_emission_timestamp) " . "VALUES (%d, '%s', %d, %f, %d)", 123, 'node', 2, 17, 31313131);

    // these are to make sure that only node id 123 is considered
    foreach (array(
    ) as $nid) {
      db_query("INSERT INTO {radioactivity} (id, class, decay_profile, energy, last_emission_timestamp) " . "VALUES (%d, '%s', %d, %f, %d)", $nid, 'node', 2, 1.23, 111);
    $node = new stdClass();
    $node->nid = 123;
    $nodeapi_ret = radioactivity_node_nodeapi($node, 'load');
      ->assertTrue(isset($nodeapi_ret['radioactivity']), t('radioactivity_node_nodeapi() has radioactivity field'));
      ->assertEqual($nodeapi_ret['radioactivity']['energy'][2], 17, t('Proper energy for profile 2'));
      ->assertEqual($nodeapi_ret['radioactivity']['energy'][3], 88.5, t('Proper energy for profile 3'));

   * Test that each radioactivity_node action works as they should
  function testActions_anonymousView() {
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
    $dbresult = db_query("SELECT energy FROM {radioactivity} WHERE decay_profile=1 AND class='node' AND id=%d", $node->nid);
    $energy = db_result($dbresult);
      ->assertEqual(1, $energy);
  function testActions_authenticatedView() {
    $user = $this
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node->nid);
    $dbresult = db_query("SELECT energy FROM {radioactivity} WHERE decay_profile=1 AND class='node' AND id=%d", $node->nid);
    $energy = db_result($dbresult);
      ->assertEqual(11, $energy);
  function setCommentSettings($name, $value, $message) {
    variable_set($name . '_story', $value);
      ->assertTrue(TRUE, t($message));

    // Display status message.
  function setCommentPreview($required) {
      ->setCommentSettings('comment_preview', $required ? '1' : '0', 'Comment preview ' . ($required ? 'required' : 'optional') . '.');
  function testActions_commentAutoApproval() {
    $node = $this
      'type' => 'story',
    $user = $this
      'access content',
      'access comments',
      'post comments',
    $edit = array();
    $edit['subject'] = 'subject';
    $edit['comment'] = 'comment';
      ->drupalPost('comment/reply/' . $node->nid, $edit, t('Save'));
    $match = array();
    $dbresult = db_query("SELECT energy FROM {radioactivity} WHERE decay_profile=1 AND class='node' AND id=%d", $node->nid);
    $energy = db_result($dbresult);
      ->assertEqual(1111, $energy, t('Check energy after comment submit (autoapproved)'));
  function testActions_commentNoAutoApproval() {
    $node = $this
      'type' => 'story',
    $admin = $this
      'access comments',
      'post comments',
      'administer comments',
    $user = $this
      'access content',
      'access comments',
      'post comments',
    $rid = -1;

    // we need to remove manually permissions from role 'authenticated user'
    // as it gets 'post comments without approval' which we specifically want not to have
    foreach ($user->roles as $cand_rid => $rolename) {
      if ($rolename == 'authenticated user') {
        $rid = $cand_rid;
    db_query("UPDATE {permission} SET perm='post comments' WHERE rid=%d", $rid);
    $edit = array();
    $edit['subject'] = 'subject';
    $edit['comment'] = 'comment';
      ->drupalPost('comment/reply/' . $node->nid, $edit, t('Save'));
    $match = array();

    // Get comment ID
    preg_match('/#comment-([^"]+)/', $this
      ->getURL(), $match);
    if (isset($match[1])) {
      $cid = $match[1];

    // note that drupalPost redirects back to node view page, so we get 11 energies
    // from authenticated view, and another 100 from comment submit
    $dbresult = db_query("SELECT energy FROM {radioactivity} WHERE decay_profile=1 AND class='node' AND id=%d", $node->nid);
    $energy = db_result($dbresult);
      ->assertEqual(111, $energy, t('Check energy after comment submit (unpublished)'));
    $dbresult = db_query("SELECT * FROM {comments} ORDER BY cid DESC");
    $comment = db_fetch_object($dbresult);

    // publish the comment
    $edit = array();
    $edit['comments[' . $cid . ']'] = 1;
    $edit['operation'] = 'publish';
      ->drupalPost('admin/content/comment/approval', $edit, t('Update'));
    $dbresult = db_query("SELECT energy FROM {radioactivity} WHERE decay_profile=1 AND class='node' AND id=%d", $node->nid);
    $energy = db_result($dbresult);
      ->assertEqual(1111, $energy, t('Check energy after publish'));

