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public function BehaviorInvoker::getRabbitHoleValuesForEntity in Rabbit Hole 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.x src/BehaviorInvoker.php \Drupal\rabbit_hole\BehaviorInvoker::getRabbitHoleValuesForEntity()

An entity's rabbit hole configuration, or the default if it does not exist.

Return an entity's rabbit hole configuration or, failing that, the default configuration for the bundle (which itself will call the base default configuration if necessary).


\Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity: The entity to apply rabbit hole behavior on.

Return value

array An array of values from the entity's fields matching the base properties added by rabbit hole.

Overrides BehaviorInvokerInterface::getRabbitHoleValuesForEntity

1 call to BehaviorInvoker::getRabbitHoleValuesForEntity()
BehaviorInvoker::getBehaviorPlugin in src/BehaviorInvoker.php
Get the behavior plugin for the given entity.


src/BehaviorInvoker.php, line 188


Default implementation of Rabbit Hole behaviors invoker.




public function getRabbitHoleValuesForEntity(ContentEntityInterface $entity) {
  $field_keys = array_keys($this->rhEntityExtender
  $values = [];
  $config = $this->rhBehaviorSettingsManager
    ->getBundleEntityType() ?: $entity
    ->id(), $entity
    ->getBundleEntityType() ? $entity
    ->bundle() : NULL);

  // We trigger the default bundle action under the following circumstances:
  $trigger_default_bundle_action = !$config
    ->get('allow_override') || !$entity
    ->hasField('rh_action') || $entity
    ->get('rh_action')->value == NULL || $entity
    ->get('rh_action')->value == 'bundle_default';
  if ($trigger_default_bundle_action) {
    foreach ($field_keys as $field_key) {
      $config_field_key = substr($field_key, 3);
      $values[$field_key] = $config
  else {
    foreach ($field_keys as $field_key) {
      if ($entity
        ->hasField($field_key)) {
        $values[$field_key] = $entity->{$field_key}->value;
  return $values;