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Functions in Quotes 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
quotes_update_6101 ./quotes.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
quotes_update_6102 ./quotes.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
quotes_update_6103 ./quotes.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Change citation, author name to TEXT.
quotes_update_6104 ./quotes.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Moving block variables to quotes_blocks table.
quotes_update_6105 ./quotes.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding author filter to quotes_blocks table.
quotes_update_6106 ./quotes.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). Adding random frequency to quotes_blocks table.
quotes_update_6107 ./quotes.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). See
quotes_user_form ./ 1
quotes_user_page ./ @file Displays a Drupal page containing quotes submitted by a given user. 1
quotes_validate ./ Implementation of hook_validate().
quotes_validate ./quotes.module Implementation of hook_validate().
quotes_view ./quotes.module Implementation of hook_view().
quotes_views_api ./quotes.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
quotes_views_data ./ Implementation of hook_views_data().
quotes_views_handlers ./quotes.module Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
theme_quotes_blocks_settings ./ Renders the quote block list, including the "Add block" row.
theme_quotes_page ./quotes.module Themeable quotes page display function that may be user restricted.
theme_quotes_quote ./quotes.module Themeable function that displays a single quote and optional author.
theme_quotes_user_form ./ Theme node administration overview.
_quotes_add ./quotes.module 1
_quotes_autocomplete_author ./quotes.module Function to provide autocomplete for author field. 1
_quotes_autocomplete_citation ./quotes.module Function to provide autocomplete for citation field. 1
_quotes_block_configuration_validate ./quotes.module Validates that changes made on the block configuration screen are valid. 1
_quotes_block_delete ./ Confirms the deletion a quote block. 1
_quotes_block_delete_submit ./ Deletes the specified block.
_quotes_escape_newlines ./ Helper function to strip Windows newline and format Unix newlines. 1
_quotes_feed_last ./quotes.module Displays an RSS feed containing recent quotes of all users. 1
_quotes_feed_user ./quotes.module Displays an RSS feed containing recent quotes of a given user. 1
_quotes_handle_author ./quotes.module Helper function to fetch or insert an author. 3
_quotes_myquotes_access ./quotes.module 1
_quotes_parse_import ./quotes.module Parses and returns the quotes contained in the provided node body. 4
_quotes_recentquotes_access ./quotes.module 1
_quotes_settings ./quotes.module 1
_quotes_settings_form_submit ./ Check the menu settings for changes. 1
_quotes_user_access_check ./ 1


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