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README.txt in Quote 7

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  1. 8.2 README.txt
  2. 5 README.txt
  3. 6.2 README.txt
  4. 6 README.txt
  5. 7.2 README.txt

This module adds a 'quote' link below nodes and comments. When clicked, the 
contents of the node or comment are placed into a new comment enclosed with 
special markup that indicates that it is quoted material. 

This module subsequently uses a filter to translate the special markup into HTML
code. When output by Drupal, the quote will be displayed with special formatting
to indicate the material which has been quoted.


The module should be installed within an appropriate module directory such as
'sites/all/modules/quote'. Once installed, it can be enabled via the module
administration interface at 'admin/modules'.


The Quote filter should be activated for each text format that it needs to be a 
part of. Text formats can be configured via 'admin/config/content/formats'.

For best effect, the Quote filter must be applied *after* any filters that 
replace HTML, and *before* the Line-break filter. Or conversely, if
HTML filters consider <blockquote> and <div> tags to be valid, the quote filter
can be placed before them. Filters can be rearranged by using the weight
selectors within the 'Filter processing order' section.

Additionally, the Quote filter must be applied *before* the BBCode filter if you
have the optional BBcode module installed.

An example of a filter processing order that works well is as follows:

  * HTML Filter
  * URL Filter
  * Quote Filter
  * Line-break filter
  * HTML Corrector filter

As the quote filter accesses the node (being quoted) directly, any content 
within will be displayed without any processing. For example, if a user is 
quoting a page node containing PHP (which by default is evaluated by the PHP 
filter) or any other sensitive code, it is quoted as is without the PHP (or any
other) filter being applied. While the PHP code is never evaluated in a comment,
it is nevertheless possible that sensitive server side information is made 
available to the public. To avoid this situation, quote links can be 
enabled/disabled for the parent node via the settings page. This does not affect
comment quote links.


The Quote module can be configured further through its settings page at
'admin/config/content/quote'. This page allows the filter to be associated with
specific node types, control if the quote link is displayed for nodes (as 
opposed to comments), and so on.


Quoted content can be placed between [quote] tags in order to be displayed as a

[quote]This is a simple quote.[/quote]

There is an optional attribute which allows quotes to cite the author:

[quote=author's name]This is a quote with an attribution line.[/quote]


There are two css rules located in "quote.css" which can be overridden to change
the display of the quotes.

'quote-msg' controls the display of the quote content.
'quote-author' controls the display of the attribution line.

The default "quote.css" rules are designed for Drupal's default Bartik theme.
By default, quoted content is placed into an indented box, which has a 
light gray background.

As mentioned above, CSS rules are meant to be overridden. In other words, there
should never be a need to directly edit the CSS (or for that matter, any other)
file in the module's directory.

If the markup used to display the quote needs to be changed, this can be done by
overriding the theme function theme_quote() from within a theme.

Project navigation

Settings: Administration -> Configuration -> Content authoring -> Quote
Filters : Administration -> Configuration -> Content authoring -> Text formats

Maintainer: Kálmán Hosszu []
Maintainer: Zen / |gatsby| / Karthik Kumar []

Project URL:


View source
  1. Quote.module
  2. ------------
  3. This module adds a 'quote' link below nodes and comments. When clicked, the
  4. contents of the node or comment are placed into a new comment enclosed with
  5. special markup that indicates that it is quoted material.
  6. This module subsequently uses a filter to translate the special markup into HTML
  7. code. When output by Drupal, the quote will be displayed with special formatting
  8. to indicate the material which has been quoted.
  9. Installation
  10. ------------
  11. The module should be installed within an appropriate module directory such as
  12. 'sites/all/modules/quote'. Once installed, it can be enabled via the module
  13. administration interface at 'admin/modules'.
  14. Filter
  15. ------
  16. The Quote filter should be activated for each text format that it needs to be a
  17. part of. Text formats can be configured via 'admin/config/content/formats'.
  18. For best effect, the Quote filter must be applied *after* any filters that
  19. replace HTML, and *before* the Line-break filter. Or conversely, if
  20. HTML filters consider
    tags to be valid, the quote filter
  21. can be placed before them. Filters can be rearranged by using the weight
  22. selectors within the 'Filter processing order' section.
  23. Additionally, the Quote filter must be applied *before* the BBCode filter if you
  24. have the optional BBcode module installed.
  25. An example of a filter processing order that works well is as follows:
  26. * HTML Filter
  27. * URL Filter
  28. * Quote Filter
  29. * Line-break filter
  30. * HTML Corrector filter
  31. As the quote filter accesses the node (being quoted) directly, any content
  32. within will be displayed without any processing. For example, if a user is
  33. quoting a page node containing PHP (which by default is evaluated by the PHP
  34. filter) or any other sensitive code, it is quoted as is without the PHP (or any
  35. other) filter being applied. While the PHP code is never evaluated in a comment,
  36. it is nevertheless possible that sensitive server side information is made
  37. available to the public. To avoid this situation, quote links can be
  38. enabled/disabled for the parent node via the settings page. This does not affect
  39. comment quote links.
  40. Settings
  41. --------
  42. The Quote module can be configured further through its settings page at
  43. 'admin/config/content/quote'. This page allows the filter to be associated with
  44. specific node types, control if the quote link is displayed for nodes (as
  45. opposed to comments), and so on.
  46. Format
  47. ------
  48. Quoted content can be placed between [quote] tags in order to be displayed as a
  49. quote:
  50. [quote]This is a simple quote.[/quote]
  51. There is an optional attribute which allows quotes to cite the author:
  52. [quote=author's name]This is a quote with an attribution line.[/quote]
  53. Theme
  54. -----
  55. There are two css rules located in "quote.css" which can be overridden to change
  56. the display of the quotes.
  57. 'quote-msg' controls the display of the quote content.
  58. 'quote-author' controls the display of the attribution line.
  59. The default "quote.css" rules are designed for Drupal's default Bartik theme.
  60. By default, quoted content is placed into an indented box, which has a
  61. light gray background.
  62. As mentioned above, CSS rules are meant to be overridden. In other words, there
  63. should never be a need to directly edit the CSS (or for that matter, any other)
  64. file in the module's directory.
  65. If the markup used to display the quote needs to be changed, this can be done by
  66. overriding the theme function theme_quote() from within a theme.
  67. Project navigation
  68. ------------------
  69. Settings: Administration -> Configuration -> Content authoring -> Quote
  70. Filters : Administration -> Configuration -> Content authoring -> Text formats
  71. Credits
  72. -------
  73. Maintainer: Kálmán Hosszu []
  74. Maintainer: Zen / |gatsby| / Karthik Kumar []
  75. Project URL: