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QuizQuestionAnsweringForm.php in Quiz 6.x




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namespace Drupal\quiz\Form;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\quiz\Entity\QuizResult;

 * The form used to deliver questions to users and capture their responses.
class QuizQuestionAnsweringForm extends FormBase {

   * Get the form to show to the quiz taker.
   * @param array $form
   * @param array $form_state
   * @param array $questions
   *   A list of question nodes to get answers from.
   * @param int $result_id
   *   The result ID for this attempt.
   * @return array
   *   An renderable FAPI array.
  public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) : array {

    /* @var $questions \Drupal\quiz\Entity\QuizQuestion[] */
    $questions = $form_state

    /* @var $quiz_session \Drupal\quiz\Services\QuizSessionInterface */
    $quiz_session = \Drupal::service('quiz.session');

    /* @var $quiz_result \Drupal\quiz\Entity\QuizResult */
    $quiz_result = $form_state
    $quiz = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    // Store quiz and result in the form.
    $form['#quiz'] = $quiz;
    $form['#quiz_result'] = $quiz_result;
    if (!is_array($questions)) {

      // One single question (or page?)
      if ($questions
        ->bundle() == 'page') {
        foreach ($quiz_result
          ->getLayout() as $qra) {
          if ($qra
            ->getString() == $questions
            ->id()) {

            // Found the page in the layout.
            // Add the page as the first "question".
            $questions = [
            foreach ($quiz_result
              ->getLayout() as $qra2) {

              // Get all page children.
              if ($qra2->qqr_pid == $qra->qqr_id) {

                // This question belongs in the requested page.
                $questions[] = $qra2
        unset($qra, $qra2);
      else {

        // Make this a page of 1 question.
        $questions = [
            ->id() => $questions,
    $form['#attributes']['class'] = [
    $form['#tree'] = TRUE;

    // Mark this as the current question.
    foreach ($questions as $question) {
      $class = Html::getClass('quiz-question-' . $question

      // Element for a single question.
      // @todo Instead of doing this load I think we can refer back to the layout.
      $qra = $question
      $element = $question
        ->getAnsweringForm($form_state, $qra);

      // Render the question using the "question" view mode.
      $build = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
        ->view($question, 'question');
      $header_markup = NULL;
      if (!$qra
        ->isEmpty()) {
        $header_markup = [
          '#markup' => "<h2>" . t("Question @question", [
            '@question' => $qra
          ]) . "</h2>",
        ->id()] = [
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
        '#type' => 'container',
        'header' => $header_markup,
        'question' => $build,
        'answer' => $element,
        ->id()]['answer']['#quiz_result_answer'] = $qra;
      $blank_and_change = $qra
        ->getString() && $quiz
      if (!$quiz
        ->getString() && !$qra
        ->isEmpty()) {
        if ($blank_and_change) {

          // Allow it.
        else {

          // This question was already answered, or answering blank question is
          // disabled.
            ->id()]['#disabled'] = TRUE;
          if (empty($form_state
            ->getUserInput())) {

            // Only show message if not submitting.
              ->addWarning(t('Changing answers is disabled.'));
      if ($quiz
        ->getString() && $question
        ->isQuestion()) {
          ->id()]['is_doubtful'] = [
          '#type' => 'checkbox',
          '#title' => t('Doubtful?'),
          '#default_value' => $qra
    $is_last = $quiz
    $form['navigation']['#type'] = 'actions';
    $form['navigation']['submit_hidden'] = [
      '#weight' => -9999,
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => $is_last ? t('Finish') : t('Next'),
      '#attributes' => [
        'style' => 'display: none',
    if ($quiz
      ->getString() && $quiz_session
      ->getCurrentQuestion($quiz) != 1) {

      // Backwards navigation enabled, and we are looking at not the first
      // question. @todo detect when on the first page.
      $form['navigation']['back'] = [
        '#weight' => 10,
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Back'),
        '#submit' => [
        '#limit_validation_errors' => [],
      if ($is_last) {
        $form['navigation']['#last'] = TRUE;
        $form['navigation']['last_text'] = [
          '#weight' => 0,
          '#markup' => '<p><em>' . t('This is the last question. Press Finish to deliver your answers') . '</em></p>',
    $form['navigation']['submit'] = [
      '#weight' => 30,
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => $is_last ? t('Finish') : t('Next'),
      '#ajax' => [],
    if ($is_last && $quiz
      ->getString() && !$quiz
      ->getString()) {

      // Display a confirmation dialogue if this is the last question and a user
      // is able to navigate backwards but not forced to answer correctly.
      $form['#attributes']['class'][] = 'quiz-answer-confirm';
      $form['#attributes']['data-confirm-message'] = t("By proceeding you won't be able to go back and edit your answers.");
      $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'quiz/confirm';
    if ($quiz
      ->getString()) {
      $form['navigation']['skip'] = [
        '#weight' => 20,
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => $is_last ? t('Leave blank and finish') : t('Leave blank'),
        '#access' => $question
        '#submit' => [
        '#limit_validation_errors' => [],
    return $form;
  public function getFormId() {
    return 'quiz_question_answering_form';

   * Submit handler for the question answering form.
   * There is no validation code here, but there may be feedback code for
   * correct feedback.
  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $config = $this

    /* @var $quiz_session \Drupal\quiz\Services\QuizSessionInterface */
    $quiz_session = \Drupal::service('quiz.session');

    /* @var $quiz_result QuizResult */
    $quiz_result = $form_state
    $feedback_count = 0;
    $quiz = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    $time_reached = $quiz_result
    $layout = $quiz_result
    if ($time_reached) {

      // Too late.
      // @todo move to quiz_question_answering_form_validate(), and then put all
      // the "quiz end" logic in a sharable place. We just need to not fire the
      // logic that saves all the users answers.
        ->addError(t('The last answer was not submitted, as the time ran out.'));
    else {
      $submitted = $form_state
      foreach ($layout as $qra) {
        if (isset($submitted[$qra
          ->getString()])) {

          // User submitted a response to this question.
          $qqid = $qra
            ->set('answer_timestamp', \Drupal::time()

          // Get the unscaled points awarded from the question response
          // implementation and then apply the weighted ratio in this quiz. For
          // example a MCQ question itself may be worth 4 points but worth 10
          // points in this quiz. A score of 2 would mean 5 points being
          // recorded.
            ->set('points_awarded', $qra
            ->getValues()['question'][$qqid]) * $qra

          // Mark question as not skipped, in case it was skipped previously.
            ->set('is_skipped', FALSE);

          // Mark as doubtful.
            ->set('is_doubtful', !empty($form_state
            ->getValues()['question'][$qqid]['is_doubtful']) ? 1 : 0);

          // Mark correctness.
            ->set('is_correct', $qra

          // Does this question type have feedback? We need to track it across pages.
          $feedback_count += $qra

          // Increment the question position.
            ->getString() + 1);

    // Wat do?
    $next_number = $quiz_session
    if ($time_reached || !isset($layout[$next_number])) {

      // If this is the last question, finalize the quiz.
        ->submitFinalize($form, $form_state);
    else {

      // No question feedback. Go to next question.
        ->setRedirect('quiz.question.take', [
        'quiz' => $quiz
        'question_number' => $next_number,
    $review_options = $quiz
    if ($review_options && !empty($review_options
      ->getValue()['question']) && array_filter($review_options
      ->getValue()['question']) && $feedback_count) {

      // This page contains questions that can provide feedback, and question
      // feedback is enabled on the quiz.
        ->setRedirect('', [
        'quiz' => $quiz
        'question_number' => $next_number - 1,

      // For ajax_quiz.
        ->set('feedback', TRUE);

   * Submit action for "leave blank".
  public function submitBlank(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $quiz_result = $form_state

    /* @var $quiz_session \Drupal\quiz\Services\QuizSessionInterface */
    $quiz_session = \Drupal::service('quiz.session');
    $quiz = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    if (!empty($form_state
      ->getUserInput()['question'])) {

      // Loop over all question inputs provided, and record them as skipped.
      foreach (array_keys($form_state
        ->getUserInput()['question']) as $qqid) {
        foreach ($quiz_result
          ->getLayout() as $idx => $qra) {

          // Find the blank submitted question in the current layout.
          if ($qra
            ->getString() == $qqid) {

            // Reset the question and mark it as taken, so restrictions like
            // backwards navigation function correctly.
              ->set('is_skipped', TRUE);
              ->set('is_correct', NULL);
              ->set('points_awarded', FALSE);
              ->set('answer_timestamp', \Drupal::time()
          ->getCurrentQuestion($quiz) + 1);
    else {

      // Advance to next question, no input here.
        ->setQuestion($quiz, $quiz_session
        ->getCurrentQuestion($quiz) + 1);

    // Advance to next question.
      ->setRedirect('quiz.question.take', [
      'quiz' => $quiz
      'question_number' => $quiz_session
    $layout = $quiz_result
    if (!isset($layout[$quiz_session
      ->getCurrentQuestion($quiz)])) {

      // If this is the last question, finalize the quiz.
        ->submitFinalize($form, $form_state);

   * Helper function to finalize a quiz attempt.
   * @see quiz_question_answering_form_submit()
   * @see quiz_question_answering_form_submit_blank()
  function submitFinalize(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $quiz_result = $form_state
    $quiz = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    /* @var $quiz_session \Drupal\quiz\Services\QuizSessionInterface */
    $quiz_session = \Drupal::service('quiz.session');

    // No more questions. Score quiz and finalize result.
    if (empty($quiz->review_options['question']) || !array_filter($quiz->review_options['question']) || empty($form_state['feedback'])) {

      // Only redirect to question results if there is not question feedback.
      // /** @todo D8*/
        ->setRedirect('entity.quiz_result.canonical', [
        'quiz' => $quiz
        'quiz_result' => $quiz_result

    // Remove all information about this quiz from the session.
    // @todo but for anon, we might have to keep some so they could access
    // results
    // When quiz is completed we need to make sure that even though the quiz has
    // been removed from the session, that the user can still access the
    // feedback for the last question, THEN go to the results page.

   * Submit handler for "back".
  function submitBack(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    // Back a question.

    /* @var $quiz_session \Drupal\quiz\Services\QuizSessionInterface */
    $quiz_session = \Drupal::service('quiz.session');
    $quiz = $form['#quiz'];
    $quiz_result = $quiz_session
      ->getCurrentQuestion($quiz) - 1);

    // Handle going back to a question which is in a previous page.
    $layout = $quiz_result
    $question = $layout[$quiz_session
    if (!empty($question->qqr_pid)) {
      foreach ($layout as $question2) {
        if ($question2->qqr_id == $question->qqr_pid) {
      ->setRedirect('quiz.question.take', [
      'quiz' => $quiz
      'question_number' => $quiz_session
  public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $quiz_result = $form_state
    $time_reached = $quiz_result
    if ($time_reached) {

      // Let's not validate anything, because the input won't get saved in submit
      // either.



Namesort descending Description
QuizQuestionAnsweringForm The form used to deliver questions to users and capture their responses.