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QuizResult.php in Quiz 6.x

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.6 src/Entity/QuizResult.php
  2. 8.5 src/Entity/QuizResult.php




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namespace Drupal\quiz\Entity;

use Drupal;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityChangedInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityChangedTrait;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition;
use Drupal\quiz\Util\QuizUtil;
use Drupal\rules\Engine\RulesComponent;
use Drupal\user\EntityOwnerInterface;
use Drupal\user\EntityOwnerTrait;
use function count;
use function quiz_get_feedback_options;

 * Defines the Quiz entity class.
 * @ContentEntityType(
 *   id = "quiz_result",
 *   label = @Translation("Quiz result"),
 *   label_collection = @Translation("Quiz results"),
 *   label_singular = @Translation("quiz result"),
 *   label_plural = @Translation("quiz results"),
 *   label_count = @PluralTranslation(
 *     singular = "@count quiz result",
 *     plural = "@count quiz results",
 *   ),
 *   bundle_label = @Translation("Quiz result type"),
 *   bundle_entity_type = "quiz_result_type",
 *   admin_permission = "administer quiz_result",
 *   permission_granularity = "entity_type",
 *   base_table = "quiz_result",
 *   fieldable = TRUE,
 *   field_ui_base_route = "entity.quiz_result_type.edit_form",
 *   show_revision_ui = FALSE,
 *   entity_keys = {
 *     "id" = "result_id",
 *     "published" = "released",
 *     "owner" = "uid",
 *     "bundle" = "type",
 *     "uuid" = "uuid",
 *   },
 *   handlers = {
 *     "view_builder" = "Drupal\quiz\View\QuizResultViewBuilder",
 *     "access" = "Drupal\quiz\Access\QuizResultAccessControlHandler",
 *     "permission_provider" = "Drupal\entity\UncacheableEntityPermissionProvider",
 *     "route_provider" = {
 *       "html" = "Drupal\Core\Entity\Routing\AdminHtmlRouteProvider",
 *     },
 *    "form" = {
 *       "default" = "Drupal\quiz\Form\QuizResultEntityForm",
 *       "delete" = "Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityDeleteForm",
 *     },
 *     "views_data" = "Drupal\entity\EntityViewsData",
 *   },
 *   links = {
 *     "canonical" = "/quiz/{quiz}/result/{quiz_result}",
 *     "edit-form" = "/quiz/{quiz}/result/{quiz_result}/edit",
 *     "delete-form" = "/quiz/{quiz}/result/{quiz_result}/delete"
 *   }
 * )
class QuizResult extends ContentEntityBase implements EntityOwnerInterface, EntityChangedInterface {
  use EntityOwnerTrait;
  use EntityChangedTrait;

   * Get the layout for this quiz result.
   * The layout contains the questions to be delivered.
   * @return QuizResultAnswer[]
  public function getLayout() {
    if ($this
      ->isNew()) {

      // New results do not have layouts yet.
      return [];
    $quiz_result_answers = Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      'result_id' => $this

    // @todo when we load the layout we have to load the question relationships
    // too because we need to know the parentage
    $quiz_question_relationship = Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      'quiz_vid' => $this
    $id_qqr = [];
    foreach ($quiz_question_relationship as $rel) {
        ->getString()] = $rel;
    $layout = [];
    foreach ($quiz_result_answers as $quiz_result_answer) {
        ->getString()] = $quiz_result_answer;
      $question_id = $quiz_result_answer
      if (isset($id_qqr[$question_id])) {

        // Question is in a relationship.
        // @todo better way to do this? We need to load the relationship
        // hierarchy onto the result answers.
        $quiz_result_answer->qqr_id = $id_qqr[$question_id]
        $quiz_result_answer->qqr_pid = $id_qqr[$question_id]
    ksort($layout, SORT_NUMERIC);
    return $layout;

   * Get the label for this quiz result.
   * @return string
  public function label() {
    $quiz = $this
    $user = $this
    return t('@user\'s @quiz result in "@title"', [
      '@user' => $user
      '@quiz' => QuizUtil::getQuizName(),
      '@title' => $quiz
  public static function baseFieldDefinitions(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) {
    $fields = parent::baseFieldDefinitions($entity_type);
    $fields += static::ownerBaseFieldDefinitions($entity_type);
    $fields['result_id'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
      ->setLabel('Quiz result ID');
    $fields['qid'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference')
      ->setSetting('target_type', 'quiz')
    $fields['vid'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
      ->setLabel('Quiz revision ID');
    $fields['time_start'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('timestamp')
      ->setLabel('Attempt start time');
    $fields['time_end'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('timestamp')
      ->setLabel('Attempt end time');
    $fields['released'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
    $fields['score'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
    $fields['is_invalid'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
    $fields['is_evaluated'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
    $fields['attempt'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('integer')
    $fields['type'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('string')
      ->setLabel('Result type');
    $fields['created'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('created')
    $fields['changed'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('changed')
    return $fields;

   * Save the Quiz result and do any post-processing to the result.
   * @param type $this
   * @param \DatabaseTransaction $transaction
   * @return bool
  public function save() {
    if ($this
      ->isEmpty()) {
        ->set('time_start', \Drupal::time()
    $new = $this
    if ($new) {

      // New attempt, we need to set the attempt number if there are previous
      // attempts.
      if ($this
        ->getString() == 0) {

        // If anonymous, the attempt is always 1.
        $this->attempt = 1;
      else {

        // Get the highest attempt number.
        $efq = \Drupal::entityQuery('quiz_result');
        $result = $efq
          ->range(0, 1)
          ->condition('qid', $this
          ->condition('uid', $this
          ->sort('attempt', 'DESC')
        if (!empty($result)) {
          $keys = array_keys($result);
          $existing = QuizResult::load(reset($keys));
            ->set('attempt', $existing
            ->getString() + 1);

    // Save the Quiz result.
    if (!$new) {
      $original = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    // Post process the result.
    if ($new) {
      $quiz = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

      // Create question list.
      $questions = $quiz
      if (empty($questions)) {
          ->addError(t('Not enough questions were found. Please add more questions before trying to take this @quiz.', array(
          '@quiz' => QuizUtil::getQuizName(),
        return FALSE;
      if (in_array($this->build_on_last, [
      ]) && ($quiz_result_old = self::findOldResult($this))) {

        // Build on the last attempt the user took. If this quiz has build on
        // last attempt set, we need to search for a previous attempt with the
        // same version of the current quiz.
        // Now clone the answers on top of the new result.
      else {
        $i = 0;
        $j = 0;
        foreach ($questions as $question) {
          $quizQuestion = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
          $quiz_result_answer = QuizResultAnswer::create([
            'result_id' => $this
            'question_id' => $question['qqid'],
            'question_vid' => $question['vid'],
            'type' => $quizQuestion
            'tid' => !empty($question['tid']) ? $question['tid'] : NULL,
            'number' => ++$i,
            'display_number' => $quizQuestion
              ->isQuestion() ? ++$j : NULL,
    if (isset($original) && !$original
      ->get('is_evaluated')->value && $this
      ->get('is_evaluated')->value) {

      // Quiz is finished! Delete old results if necessary.
  function getAccount() {
    return $this

   * Mark results as invalid for a quiz according to the keep results setting.
   * This function will only mark the results as invalid. The actual delete
   * action happens based on a cron run.
   * If we would have deleted the results in this function the user might not
   * have been able to view the result screen of the quiz he just finished.
   * @param QuizResult $quiz_result
   *   The result of the latest result for the current user.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if results were marked as invalid, FALSE otherwise.
  function maintainResults() {
    $db = \Drupal::database();
    $quiz = $this
    $user = $this

    // Do not delete results for anonymous users.
    if ($user
      ->id() == 0) {
      return FALSE;
    $result_ids = [];
    switch ((int) $quiz
      ->getString()) {
      case Quiz::KEEP_ALL:
      case Quiz::KEEP_BEST:
        $best_result_id = $db
          ->select('quiz_result', 'qnr')
          ->fields('qnr', [
          ->condition('qnr.qid', $quiz
          ->condition('qnr.uid', $user
          ->condition('qnr.is_evaluated', 1)
          ->condition('qnr.is_invalid', 0)
          ->orderBy('score', 'DESC')
        if ($best_result_id) {
          $result_ids = $db
            ->select('quiz_result', 'qnr')
            ->fields('qnr', [
            ->condition('qnr.qid', $quiz
            ->condition('qnr.uid', $user
            ->condition('qnr.is_evaluated', 1)
            ->condition('qnr.is_invalid', 0)
            ->condition('qnr.result_id', $best_result_id, '!=')
      case Quiz::KEEP_LATEST:
        $result_ids = $db
          ->select('quiz_result', 'qnr')
          ->fields('qnr', [
          ->condition('qnr.qid', $quiz
          ->condition('qnr.uid', $user
          ->condition('qnr.is_evaluated', 1)
          ->condition('qnr.is_invalid', 0)
          ->condition('qnr.result_id', $this
          ->id(), '!=')
    if ($result_ids) {
        'is_invalid' => 1,
        ->condition('result_id', $result_ids, 'IN')
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Update the session for this quiz to the active question.
   * @param int $question_number
   *   Question number starting at 1.
  function setQuestion($question_number) {

    /* @var $quiz_session \Drupal\quiz\Services\QuizSessionInterface */
    $quiz_session = \Drupal::service('quiz.session');
    $quiz = $this
      ->setCurrentQuestion($quiz, $question_number);

   * Can the quiz taker view the requested review?
   * There's a workaround in here: @kludge
   * When review for the question is enabled, and it is the last question,
   * technically it is the end of the quiz, and the "end of quiz" review
   * settings apply. So we check to make sure that we are in question taking
   * and the feedback is viewed within 5 seconds of completing the
   * question/quiz.
   * @param string $option
   *   An option key.
   * @param QuizResult $quiz_result
   *   A Quiz result.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the quiz taker can view this quiz option at this time, FALSE
   *   otherwise.
  function canReview($option) {
    $config = Drupal::config('quiz.settings');

    // Load quiz associated with this result.
    $quiz = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    $admin = $quiz
    if ($config
      ->get('override_admin_feedback') && $admin) {

      // Admin user uses the global feedback options.
      $review_options['end'] = $config
      $review_options['question'] = $config
    else {

      // Use this Quiz's feedback options.
      if ($quiz
        ->get(0)) {
        $review_options = $quiz
      else {
        $review_options = [];

    // Hold combined review options from each feedback type.
    $all_shows = [];
    $rules = \Drupal::moduleHandler()
    $feedbackTypes = QuizFeedbackType::loadMultiple();
    foreach ($review_options as $time_key => $shows) {

      /* @var $component RulesComponent */
      $component = $feedbackTypes[$time_key]
        ->setContextValue('quiz_result', $this);
      if ($component
        ->getState())) {

        // Add selected feedbacks to the show list.
        $all_shows += array_filter($shows);
    return !empty($all_shows[$option]);

   * Score a quiz result.
  function finalize() {
    $questions = $this

    // Mark all missing answers as blank. This is essential here for when we may
    // have pages of unanswered questions. Also kills a lot of the skip code that
    // was necessary before.
    foreach ($questions as $qinfo) {

      // If the result answer has not been marked as skipped and it hasn't been
      // answered.
      if (empty($qinfo->is_skipped) && empty($qinfo->answer_timestamp)) {
        $qinfo->is_skipped = 1;
    $score = $this
    if (!isset($score['percentage_score'])) {
      $score['percentage_score'] = 0;

    // @todo Could be removed if we implement any "released" functionality.
      ->set('released', 1);
      ->set('is_evaluated', $score['is_evaluated']);
      ->set('score', $score['percentage_score']);
      ->set('time_end', \Drupal::time()
    return $this;

   * Calculates the score user received on quiz.
   * @param $quiz
   *   The quiz node.
   * @param $result_id
   *   Quiz result ID.
   * @return array
   *   Contains five elements:
   *     - question_count
   *     - possible_score
   *     - numeric_score
   *     - percentage_score
   *     - is_evaluated
  function score() {
    $quiz_result_answers = $this
    $numeric_score = $possible_score = 0;
    $is_evaluated = 1;
    foreach ($quiz_result_answers as $quiz_result_answer) {

      // Get the scaled point value for this question response.
      $numeric_score += $quiz_result_answer

      // Get the scaled max score for this question relationship.
      $possible_score += $quiz_result_answer
      if (!$quiz_result_answer
        ->isEvaluated()) {
        $is_evaluated = 0;
    return [
      'question_count' => count($quiz_result_answers),
      'possible_score' => $possible_score,
      'numeric_score' => $numeric_score,
      'percentage_score' => $possible_score == 0 ? 0 : round($numeric_score * 100 / $possible_score),
      'is_evaluated' => $is_evaluated,

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * Delete all result answers when a result is deleted.
  public function delete() {
    $entities = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      'result_id' => $this
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {


   * Find a result that is not the same as the passed result.
   * Note: the Quiz result does not have an actually exist - in that case, it
   * will return the first completed result found.
   * // @todo what?
   * // Oh, this is to find a result for build-on-last.
  public function findOldResult() {
    $efq = \Drupal::entityQuery('quiz_result');
    $result = $efq
      ->condition('uid', $this
      ->condition('qid', $this
      ->condition('vid', $this
      ->condition('result_id', (int) $this
      ->id(), '!=')
      ->condition('time_start', 0, '>')
      ->sort('time_start', 'DESC')
      ->range(0, 1)
    if (!empty($result)) {
      return QuizResult::load(key($result));
    return NULL;

   * Can the quiz taker view any reviews right now?
   * @return bool
  public function hasReview() {
    foreach (quiz_get_feedback_options() as $option => $label) {
      if ($this
        ->canReview($option)) {
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * Quiz results are never viewed outside of a Quiz, so we enforce that a Quiz
   * route parameter is added.
  public function toUrl($rel = 'canonical', array $options = []) {
    $url = parent::toUrl($rel, $options);
      ->setRouteParameter('quiz', $this
    return $url;

   * Get the Quiz of this result.
   * @return \Drupal\quiz\Entity\Quiz
  public function getQuiz() {
    return Drupal::entityTypeManager()

   * Copy this result's answers onto another Quiz result, based on the new Quiz
   * result's settings.
   * @param QuizResult $result_new
   *   An empty QuizResult.
  function copyToQuizResult(QuizResult $result_new) {

    // Re-take all the questions.
    foreach ($this
      ->getLayout() as $qra) {
      if (($result_new->build_on_last == 'all' || $qra
        ->isCorrect()) && !$qra
        ->isSkipped()) {

        // Populate answer.
        $duplicate = $qra
          ->set('uuid', \Drupal::service('uuid')
      else {

        // Create new answer.
        $duplicate = QuizResultAnswer::create([
          'type' => $qra
        foreach ($qra
          ->getFields() as $name => $field) {

          /* @var $field Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemList */
          if (!in_array($name, [
          ]) && is_a($field
            ->getFieldDefinition(), '\\Drupal\\Core\\Field\\BaseFieldDefinition')) {

            // Copy any base fields, but not the answer.
              ->set($name, $field

      // Set new result ID.
        ->set('result_id', $result_new

   * Determine if the time limit has been reached for this attempt.
   * @return bool
  function isTimeReached() {
    $quiz = $this
    $config = \Drupal::config('quiz.settings');
    $time_limit = $quiz
    $time_limit_buffer = $config
      ->get('time_limit_buffer', 5);
    $time_start = $this
    $request_time = \Drupal::time()
    return $time_limit > 0 && $request_time > $time_start + $time_limit + $time_limit_buffer;



Namesort descending Description
QuizResult Defines the Quiz entity class.