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Public API functions. in Quiz 6.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.6 quiz.module \quiz_public
  2. 8.5 quiz.module \quiz_public
  3. 7.6 quiz.module \quiz_public
  4. 7 quiz.module \quiz_public
  5. 7.4 quiz.module \quiz_public
  6. 7.5 quiz.module \quiz_public


./quiz.module, line 1442
Quiz Module


Namesort descending Location Description
quiz_availability ./quiz.module Find out if a quiz is available for taking or not
quiz_build_question_list ./quiz.module Retrieves a list of questions (to be taken) for a given quiz.
quiz_calculate_score ./quiz.module Calculates the score user received on quiz.
quiz_create_rid ./quiz.module Creates a unique id to be used when storing results for a quiz taker.
quiz_email_results_format ./quiz.module This functions returns the default email subject and body format which will be used at the end of quiz.
quiz_end_actions ./quiz.module Actions to take at the end of a quiz
quiz_end_scoring ./quiz.module Score a completed quiz.
quiz_get_all_titles ./quiz.module Returns the titles for all quizzes the user has access to.
quiz_get_all_version_titles ./quiz.module Returns the titles for all quizzes the user has access to.
quiz_get_number_of_questions ./quiz.module Finds out the number of questions for the quiz.
quiz_get_pass_rate ./quiz.module Finds out the pass rate for the quiz.
quiz_get_score_data ./quiz.module Return highest score data for given quizzes.
quiz_is_passed ./quiz.module Check a user/quiz combo to see if the user passed the given quiz.
quiz_jump_to ./quiz.module Set the current session to jump to a specific question number
quiz_mail ./quiz.module Implementation of hook_mail().
quiz_node_map ./quiz.module Map node properties to a question object.
quiz_question_module_for_type ./quiz.module
quiz_quiz_finished ./quiz.module Implementation hook_quiz_finished().
quiz_quiz_scored ./quiz.module Implementation hook_quiz_scored().
quiz_set_questions ./quiz.module Sets the questions that are assigned to a quiz.
quiz_start_check ./quiz.module Actions to take place at the start of a quiz.
quiz_store_question_result ./quiz.module Store a quiz question result.
quiz_take_question_view ./quiz.module Create the view for a question the user is about to take.
quiz_take_quiz ./quiz.module Handles quiz taking.
quiz_type_access_load ./quiz.module Load a quiz node, cache it and validate that it is indeed of type quiz.
quiz_type_confirm ./quiz.module Validate that a node is of type quiz, and that the user has access to it.
quiz_update_max_score_properties ./quiz.module Updates the max_score property on the specified quizzes
quiz_update_quiz_question_relationship ./quiz.module Copies quiz-question relation entries in the quiz_node_relationship table from an old version of a quiz to a new.
quiz_update_total_score ./quiz.module Update a score for a quiz.
_quiz_build_categorized_question_list ./quiz.module Builds the questionlist for quizzes with categorized random questions
_quiz_get_terms ./quiz.module Get data for all terms belonging to a Quiz with categorized random questions