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19 calls to quiz_result_load() in Quiz 7.6

QuizQuestionResponse::canReview in question_types/quiz_question/
Can the quiz taker view the requested review?
QuizResultController::findOldResult in includes/
Find a result that is not the same as the passed result.
QuizResultController::save in includes/
Save the Quiz result and do any post-processing to the result.
quiz_access_my_result in ./quiz.module
Helper function to determine if a user has access to view a specific quiz result.
quiz_access_question in ./quiz.module
Menu check to see if user has access to take this question.
quiz_end_scoring in ./quiz.module
Score a completed quiz.
quiz_question_answering_form in question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module
Get the form to show to the quiz taker.
quiz_question_answering_form_finalize in question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module
Helper function to finalize a quiz attempt.
quiz_question_answering_form_submit in question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module
Submit handler for the question answering form.
quiz_question_answering_form_submit_back in question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module
Submit handler for "back".
quiz_question_answering_form_submit_blank in question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module
Submit action for "leave blank".
quiz_question_answering_form_validate in question_types/quiz_question/quiz_question.module
Validation callback for quiz question submit.
quiz_question_feedback_access in ./quiz.module
Menu access check for question feedback.
quiz_take_question in ./quiz.module
Take a quiz questions.
quiz_take_question_feedback in ./quiz.module
Show feedback for a question response.
quiz_take_quiz in ./quiz.module
Handles quiz taking.
quiz_user_results in ./
Show result page for a given result id
theme_quiz_result in ./
Theme the result page.
_quiz_show_finish_button in ./quiz.module
Show the finish button?