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16 calls to _quiz_is_int() in Quiz 7

long_answer_report_validate in question_types/long_answer/long_answer.module
Validation function for the report form
long_answer_score_form_validate in question_types/long_answer/
Validates the long answer score form
matching_config_validate in question_types/matching/matching.module
Validate the matching config form values
MultichoiceQuestion::forgive in question_types/multichoice/
Forgive some possible logical flaws in the user input.
multichoice_config_validate in question_types/multichoice/multichoice.module
Validate the multichoice config form values
QuizQuestion::getNodeForm in question_types/quiz_question/
Returns a node form to quiz_question_form
quiz_categorized_form_validate in ./
Validate the categorized form
quiz_questions_form_validate in ./
Validate that the supplied questions are real.
quiz_question_revision_actions in question_types/quiz_question/
Create the form for the revision actions page
quiz_settings_form_validate in ./
Validation of the Form Settings form.
quiz_take_quiz in ./quiz.module
Handles quiz taking.
quiz_translate_form_date in ./
@file Handles the start and end times in a node form submission.
quiz_validate in ./quiz.module
Implements hook_validate().
scale_config_validate in question_types/scale/scale.module
Validate the scale config form values
short_answer_report_validate in question_types/short_answer/short_answer.module
Validate the result report for short answer
short_answer_score_form_validate in question_types/short_answer/
Validate the score form