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17 uses of QUIZ_NAME in Quiz 8.4

QuizAdminSettings::buildForm in lib/Drupal/quiz/Form/QuizAdminSettings.php
Form constructor.
QuizAdminSettings::submitForm in lib/Drupal/quiz/Form/QuizAdminSettings.php
Submit the admin settings form
QuizQuestion::getNodeForm in question_types/quiz_question/lib/Drupal/quiz_question/QuizQuestion.php
Returns a node form to quiz_question_form
QuizQuestion::saveRelationships in question_types/quiz_question/lib/Drupal/quiz_question/QuizQuestion.php
Handle the add to quiz part of the quiz_question_form
quiz_create_rid in ./quiz.module
Creates a unique id to be used when storing results for a quiz taker.
quiz_menu in ./quiz.module
Implements hook_menu(). TODO: Migrate all menu url from D7 Quiz. Total 17 urls.
quiz_node_prepare_form in ./quiz.module
Implementation of hook_node_prepare_form().
quiz_options_form in ./
Page callback for quiz options form
quiz_questions_form_submit in ./
Submit function for quiz_questions.
quiz_start_check in ./quiz.module
Actions to take place at the start of a quiz.
theme_quiz_admin_quizzes in ./
Theme the admin quizzes table.
theme_quiz_get_user_results in ./
Theme the user results page.
theme_quiz_my_results_for_quiz in ./
Theme the user results page.
theme_quiz_take_summary in ./
Theme the summary page after the quiz has been completed.
theme_quiz_user_summary in ./
Theme the summary page for user results.
_quiz_get_feedback_options in ./quiz.module
Get an array of feedback options.
_quiz_take_quiz_init in ./quiz.module