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node.type.scale.yml in Quiz 8.4



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  1. type: scale
  2. uuid: 328b9ea0-4de4-11e3-8f96-0800200c9a66
  3. name: 'Scale question'
  4. description: 'Quiz questions that allow a user to choose from a scale.'
  5. create_body_label: 'Question'
  6. help: ''
  7. has_title: true
  8. title_label: Title
  9. settings:
  10. node:
  11. preview: 1
  12. options:
  13. status: status
  14. # Promoted to front page.
  15. promote: false
  16. sticky: '0'
  17. revision: '0'
  18. submitted: true
  19. status: true
  20. langcode: en